
Showing posts from 2019

Teaching the Good News!!

Hey everyone!       I am glad that you have decided to read my blog. Today I wanted to write about a book I am reading: What every Sunday School Teacher should know by E. L. Towns. I am on the 5th chapter, and I can't put the book down. When I think about Sunday School, my mind goes waaay back. I remember when I was a little girl and I had to get up every Sunday morning for Sunday School. I loved it, but I admit getting up early wasn't always fun.      We need to get back to the basics, which is keeping Sunday School thriving. It's needed because Adults, Youth and Children are in need of spiritual growth. Not only must we win souls for Christ, but the souls must be fed Gods word. I am learning from the book that it is very important for people to Know what the bible teaches. It is also important for us as a people to practice what we are learning in these classes. All ages will benefit from Sunday School. I believe everyone needs God. Shalea.

Can you believe it's free!

Hello!          Out of all the things in life, we all gravitate towards what we can have for free. It is the free things that make us happy and excited. Sometimes free is not always the best, but it always catches our attention quick. When it comes to God, He wants us to have freedom! In this case what He gives for free is the best gift we can ever have. He gives us the gift of eternal life. This gift was purchased for us when His son died and shed His precious blood.      We have a freedom that money cannot buy! We have the ultimate gift. Out of all the things that I can get for free, and I love free stuff, Eternity with God is the best! We are blessed to have a God so wonderful that would do this for us. How can we refuse that free gift! Comment if you agree? Or have any view points on this topic. Thanks, Shalea


    Hello Everyone, Welcome to Her Words of Wisdom. Their is no coincidence that you have decided to plug into my blog. God has all things divinely orchestrated. Please do enjoy my blogs, read with an open mind, and comment if you feel lead to :-)            Is it possible to love endlessly and without boundaries. Well God says it is. I am here blogging to evoke thought and to anticipate responses. My goal is to help you to be responsive to the different points of views that exist. My thoughts are here to excite, teach, reveal, and bring healing. I am interested in different opinions, so please feel free to share all that you know. Blessings to you and your families!