Fill Me Up God: The Power Of The Cross

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Hello Everyone Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog,

Thank you Jesus for life, you said that you would give us life abundantly. I am going to take the time to pray to God, is that okay? Here is a prayer to ask God to Fill Us Up Till We Over Flow:

Father God I come before you in your Son Jesus Christ mighty name. I ask you to cover us with your Son Jesus' precious blood. I ask you to fill us up, we have need for more of you. We are running on low fuel and we need to be filled till we run over with your Holy Spirit, and have all of the fruits of the spirit. Lord help us to be filled with all of the goodness that encompasses you. Father God we pray right now that every curse that is trying to loom over us, our families, friends, communities, villages and world wide, we pray that the curses are broken. We pray that the chains begin to fall off, and that the scales be taken off of our eyes that we may be able to see more of you. Help us Father fill us and cover this world. Take away the hatred and strife in this world. We ask that you illuminate the good and allow for You Jesus to shine through. Every evil spirit we curse it at the root and we call forth the Holy Spirit and we call you forth Jesus to break every chain. God we pray that you send the Angels on duty against the enemy and his demons. Father God fill this earth, May Your Kingdom come as it is in Heaven. Thank you Jesus. Father thank You. We ask all of these blessings in your son's mighty name. Amen. Selah.

I love you all and I pray that God continues to speak to everyone of you. 

Blessings to everyone, 

Ms. Shalea Berryhill


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