A Prayer for Salvation Life in Heaven

Hello everyone welcome to Words of Wisdom Blog:

Today I would like to usher you into a prayer for Salvation. Some of you are Christians, and you know about Salvation & The message of The Cross and Jesus Christ dying for our sins. Some of you are not familiar with Salvation. I am here to help usher you into a prayer for Salvation. If you are Saved, Praise God! You can send people to this blog so that they too can pray for Salvation & God's Kingdom to come. Let's pray:

Lord I invite you into my life. I recognize that I am a sinner in need of Salvation. I repent for my sins and I give my Soul to You God. I recognize that Jesus Christ died on The Cross and ascended into Heaven where He is praying and interceding for us daily. God I want to be saved and I am declaring that Jesus Christ You are my Lord and Savior. I need you God and I love You. I trust and I believe that I am Saved. Now that I am Saved I pray for Your Kingdom to come to Earth. I pray that Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen I trust You God.

Now that you have prayed that Prayer for Salvation & God's Kingdom to come to Earth, please reach out to a Pastor in your community. I have some Churches listed in my Profile Interests Section. You can choose one of those churches if you would like to. Talk with a Pastor and he or she will lead you and disciple you. There are many church members that will help you to follow Jesus Christ. Please reach out to me and I will make sure to direct you to a Pastor that preaches the Doctrine of Jesus Christ. My information: shalea.berryhill@gmail.com or shaleab@hotmail.com. You can also reach me on Linked In as Shalea Berryhill & Please check me out on any social media site as Shalea Berryhill. I am there with a profile photo. When you send an email please specify in the Subject Line that you prayed for Salvation and need to talk with a Pastor. 

Warm Regards to all of You & Blessings unto Yahweh, With Love, Ms. Shalea Berryhill


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