Leaders In The Bible

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, 

I want to start off by saying that Jesus Christ is A Mighty Good Leader, this is a hymnal that we use to sing in church at St. Johns Missionary Baptist Church on 230 Warren Street in Roxbury, MA 02119. This song says;
"Let Jesus lead you, Let Jesus lead you, Let Jesus lead you all the way, All the way from Earth to Heaven, Let Jesus lead you, All the way. He's a Mighty Good Leader, He's a Mighty Good Leader, He's a Mighty Good Leader, All the way, All the way from Earth to Heaven, Let Jesus Lead You All The Way. He lead my Father & He lead my Mother, All the way, All the way from Earth to Heaven, Let Jesus lead you All the way, And He Lead my Brothers & He lead my Sisters, All the way, All the way from Earth to Heaven, Let Jesus Lead You All The way" This is part of the song. May the Lord add a blessing to those that hear His Word. I want to say Jesus Please Lead Me.

Being a leader is difficult and often painful at times. The Bible says God loves us so much that He chastens us. If God did not love us He would not correct us or discipline us when we are wrong. The scripture says,

Hebrews 12:6-7 King James Version
6 For whom the Lord livery he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. 7 if ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not.” As followers of Christ we will have to be corrected for what we do wrong. Many leaders in the Holy Bible had to be humble and endure God’s correction.

Today I did a YouTube video on Leaders in the Bible. I read from the Holy Bible King James Version II Samuel 5:1-7. It is a beautiful verse and I believe that you should read it when you get a chance. The Bible speaks about great Kings & Queens in The Bible all who reigned and carried out there purpose on this Earth. This scripture talks about King David, King Saul, Israel, Hebron, Judah, Jerusalem, Jebusites, Zion, & The City of David. This Chapter is really good, I read the first 7 verses and got a good understanding of Leadership.

I am here on blogspot.com trying to spread The Gospel which is the Good News of Jesus Christ. I pray to God that all of you are enjoying my YouTube videos at Shalea Berryhill. I also hope that you all are enjoying my Blog and are being inspired and feel the love.

God Bless All of You. I come to you in the Name of Jesus Christ the son of God. 
Shalea Berryhill 


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