My early morning Prayer unto God

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Here is my early morning prayer at 3:44 am July 18, 2021: 

       Father God I come before You in Your Son Jesus Christ Mighty & Matchless Name. I thank you for Life Health & Strength. I pray for this Nation I pray for the Globe. I pray that you cover your people in Jesus Christ Mighty Blood. I pray for the Military and the Soldiers on the Frontline in Battle Physically and Spiritually. I pray that you Cover & Preserve & Protect Your People that are called according to Your Will & Purpose. Those that are out here doing your will in Physical & Spirit I pray that You Protect Us. I pray for The Church that you Lead, Guide & Protect Us. I pray that you heal the land from this COVID-19 Virus. I pray that you do not make it mandatory for us to have to take that COVID-19 Vaccine. I pray for the Great Leaders that you guide them in their decision making. I pray for peace in the Land and in the Globe. I pray that your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Galatians 2:20, Psalm 23, & Our Father Prayer. I pray that You take total control of all of the Infrastructures that have been set in place. I pray for healing of Mental Illness, Low Self Esteem & Low Self Worth. I pray for Physical healing against Diseases and Cancers in the body. I pray for healing of broken Families and Relationships. I pray for Reconciliation and Peace amongst all People, Animals, & All of God’s Creation. I pray against evil wickedness and evil principalities. I pray against wickedness in high places. I pray for the Homeless & People in poverty. I pray against all types of abuse done to People, Animals, & All of God’s Creation. I pray that Your Leaders continue to stand strong stand in The Gap & Intercede for The People of God. I pray for lost Souls that they may come to the knowledge of God. In Jesus Christ Holy & Matchless Name. Thank you Father God. Thanks & Praise unto You God! Yahweh Bless Forever Amen!! Father God I pray that all of your plans for my life come into Fruition. I pray against demonic strongholds in my mind that desire to break me and pull me away from the desires You have for me. I pray that you Close the doors in my life that need to be Closed. I pray that you Open all the doors in my life that need to be Open unto me. I pray that you cover me in Your Son Jesus Christ Precious Blood, Preserve and Protect me your servant. I pray that You Equip me for The Battle & that You help me to affect the People, Animals & All Of Your Creation around me for the Good & Positively. I pray that you continue to use me for Your Will & Your Purpose. I ask all these Blessings in Your Son Jesus Christ Mighty & Matchless Name & In Your Holy Spirit Lord God. May Your Angels Fly, All Of Heaven Rejoice & This Globe Cry Out Hallelujah!!! Amen Unto God!! God Please Strengthen Us During These Times. Please Help us to be patient as we wait. Amen. Many are Called, few are Chosen. The Laborers are few, let’s all Work unto God. :-)

Humbly Your Servant, Ms. Shalea Berryhill 


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