
Showing posts from January, 2021

Warfare Prayer For Deliverance & Prosperity

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom    Hi, if you have noticed, I sing pieces of the full songs in my videos. I have limited time in my videos and I cannot fit everything in the short time frame. Please forgive me. Warfare Prayer; I want to pray for you all to be covered in the Blood of Jesus Christ In His Precious & Holy Name. I pray that the hedges be sent up in your life like Job in the bible. The battles that you are facing shall be no more. God says stop to the raging seas. God please release unmerited favor to Your people. Form marriages and strengthen marriages that are already together. What God Put Together Let No Man Or Woman Put Asunder. Give people finances Oh Lord. Help us to find jobs that will sustain us with overflow. Help us to prosper in every area of our life, mind, body, spirit & soul. Help us to have fun & do things that are beneficial to our future. Help us raise our children, prosper our businesses, take classses and earn honor rolls, promotion, certificate

Taking The Time To Say I Love You, You Have Forgiven Me

  Welcome To Words Of Wisdom, Taking the time to say I love you, and forgive me. I recall a song by Hezekiah Walker that says, “How many times, do I go against your will, and you’ve forgiven me, but yet I still, turn around and do the things, the things I shouldn’t do, cause I belong to you, but yet I still hear you calling my name.” Those are some beautiful lyrics and they are saying so much. God sees the mistakes that we have made and are still making, but yet He is merciful and forgives us. He does not hold the sins of yesterday against us. For the bible says that, “Mercies are new every morning.” We know that with every rising of the sun we have a chance to do things the best we know how for that day. Having the power in our hands to decide how we will live our lives is amazing. The song writer says “Jesus Take The Wheel, take it from my hands, cause I can’t do this on my own, I’m letting go, give me one more chance, and save me from this road I’m on, Jesus take the wheel”- Carri

Great Is Thy Faithfulness Oh God Our Father

  Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, Hi, this morning I am here to talk about Great Is Thy Faithfulness. I recall a song that sings, “Great is thy faithfulness, Oh God My Father, Morning By Morning New Mercies I See, All I Have Need Of Thy Hands Have Provided, Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lord Unto Us.” I Love this song because we can see the ways in which God has provided all that we have need of. He is faithful unto us, as we should be faithful unto Him. He gave us all the gift of Life! He has allowed us to breathe and to see, Thank you Jesus! We all have something to be thankful for. We thank you God for being so good to us. Take the time to think about something or someone in your life that brings you great satisfaction and joy, now say Thank You Jesus! God did it! God is the one that allows for us to have the wonderful blessings in our lives. It is God’s faithfulness to us that sustains our very lives. God wants us to be thankful for all that we have and to bless Him with our time, t

Sexual Purity

  Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, Hi everyone, today I want to discuss the topic of Sexual Purity. In the society around us, sex is everywhere becasue we are sexual beings. God has designed us to want sex. This is true, but God also gives clear guidelines and instructions to us about being pure. The bible says that we are to abstain from fornication. This means that we are not to have sex before being married. Yes, some of us have had sex without marriage, again God put the desire for sex in us. Although this is true, we are to abstain and wait for God to send us our spouse. God asks us not to have sex becasue he knows what is best for us and wants to protect us. The Marriage bed is undefiled and is Honorable to God.  Here are some scriptures from The Holy Bible King James Version about Sexual Purity: 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.   1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 For

Power In Being Flexible: A Time For Change

  Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, Today I want to talk about Being Flexible. In these uncertain times, things are constantly changing. The new normal is wearing a mask, washing hands often, and social distancing for most of the day. We are living in a time where most of our business is being handled online, and currency is distributed virtually. Everything about life as we know it is pointing us towards Being Flexible. We are all facing some type of change in our life that we must have to be flexible with.  Please take this time to ask God to help you to Be Flexible with all that you are facing. Ask Him to strengthen you and give you wisdom as you go forward doing your daily tasks. God I come before you in your Son Jesus Christ Mighty Name asking you to cover all of your children in your Son Jesus Christ blood. I ask you to reign the Holy Spirit on Your People like You know how. Thank you God for helping us to Be Flexible in all that we must do, and with all of the changes we a

Building On The Foundation Of Jesus Christ

Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom,     Hello everyone, g oing forward as we continue with our lives, we must remember Jesus Christ. In Him we live, move and have our being. We cannot live without Him, that is why we should always include Him in our daily lives. Building On The Foundation that Jesus Christ laid for us is very important. Christ is our rock and in Him we can do all things. Knowing this, we must be obedient to God's Holy Spirit and seek to do good. The Bible Says, " 1 Corinthians 3:10   By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one must be careful how he builds." The Bible Also Says, " Ephesians 2:20   built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone." We all need each other to go forward, Christ at the center, as we are working together for the up building of the Kingdom Of God. We must be diligent and careful as we build,

Continued Prayer Following Safety Precautions

  Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, Hi Everyone, I am coming before you this evening to talk about being safe. Right now we are facing a nation wide Pandemic COVID-19 and we must follow The USA Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Some people are getting the COVID-19 Vaccine and some people are not getting the COVID-19 Vaccine. The COVID-19 Vaccine just got The USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. I have not taken the COVID-19 Vaccination. It is your choice if you want to be COVID-19 Vaccinated. We must all be safe, wear our masks, wash hands and social distance. This is all very important now and going forward. All of this is important, but we have to remember every aspect of safety. We know that we should not go out of our homes when stores are closed. The people back in the days use to say, when the street lights come on for the evening, be in your home. I think that when stores and businesses shut down, and when the street lights come on for the

Releasing Forward

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog,           Hi everyone, this blog is about being Released Forward. I believe that God wants us to move forward, giving all we have for His Kingdom. He wants us to be ready and willing to do what is necessary for the advancement of the Kingdom Of God. Jesus Christ gave us an example to live Holy and teach about the Good News. We must share our Faith and what we know to the world. It is our duty as believers of God to tell what we know about Him. We must tell people that God is a provider, healer and teacher. He is a mother and a father, and reconciles the broken hearted. We have to share how Good Abba Father is. People are dying and they do not know about the goodness of God.           I am asking all of you to pray for me as I continue to go forward spreading the Good News Of Jesus Christ. I still have so much to learn, and must read more of The Holy Bible “God’s Words.” My hopes are to encourage all of you to share what you know to your family and frien

Vision Thoughts

Vision Thoughts :  Life Comes Full Circle                I am sitting here with my fingers to the keyboard, typing to you Lord. Thanking you for all you have done. So much on my mind, random thoughts. Trying to piece together my life one step at a time. I am trying to find the very thing that I know is on the inside of me. Thinking… Today is a new day, a fresh start for something. I give praises to the Most High Yah for creating me, fearfully, and wonderfully. I have all that I need and will always be grateful. Thank you Jesus Christ for saving my soul, I am whole. I declare freedom and harmony in my life. I decree and declare equilibrium and soundness of mind. Mindful of the things that I cannot change, eager to do the good that I know to do. So I am thinking random thoughts, with my fingers to the keyboard, typing. Hoping to God to feel even more Free! I know that Freedom comes when I am connected to you Lord. I have the ability to worship you God, releasing my unique praise.        

Carrying The Load 2021 Going Forward

  Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog,  Hi everyone, I hope that you are having a good day, and I pray that you are Blessed and Highly Favored of the Lord. I have come before you today to talk about Carrying The Load for this year and going forward. I have come to you with good news, God will help you, your family & friends, and your community will help too! God has set in place people and places to help you get to your destination. God said that He would never leave us nor forsake us. He will be with us for an eternity. Our Yah is good! We do not have to worry about carrying anything alone because God will fight for us and He will give us the strength to go on. The bible says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Not only will God strengthen you, He will send His Angels to protect you as you go about this journey of life. Jesus Christ was our example, now we have the Holy Ghost and All Of Heaven on Our Side. We must take hold of the promises of God now and forever.

Trusting In God

  Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom, Hello everyone, I am so happy today because it is January 2nd 2021!! We have made it over to a New Year!!! I was able to be with my family today and also get some good food from Tasty Shay’s Soul Food-Boston. The owner of this restaurant is Shanitha Blocker, she is a really good friend of mine, and a great friend to many. I was able to eat some good fried chicken, potato salad, and collard greens. Everything is delicious, if you are looking for someone to cater an event, I can give you her information. Okay let's talk about Trusting In God. The bible says that it is impossible to please God without Faith. This is very important because Faith allows us to live out God's will for our lives. God gives all of us a measure of Faith and is counting on us to live in accordance to what He asks. It is not always easy to trust God when we do not see what He is up to. Sometimes it is hard to believe when things are not going the way you hoped they w

Welcome 2021!!!!

  Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,     I want to thank you all for your continued support with my Blog and Youtube videos. Please watch the above video about New Year 2021!!! I pray that you stay inspired and enjoy this year. God is still on the throne and is watching and protecting Us His people. Covid-19 is still here with us, but we will still make this a great year.  Stay Warm,  Shalea Berryhill