Trusting In God

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Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,

Hello everyone, I am so happy today because it is January 2nd 2021!! We have made it over to a New Year!!! I was able to be with my family today and also get some good food from Tasty Shay’s Soul Food-Boston. The owner of this restaurant is Shanitha Blocker, she is a really good friend of mine, and a great friend to many. I was able to eat some good fried chicken, potato salad, and collard greens. Everything is delicious, if you are looking for someone to cater an event, I can give you her information. Okay let's talk about Trusting In God. The bible says that it is impossible to please God without Faith. This is very important because Faith allows us to live out God's will for our lives. God gives all of us a measure of Faith and is counting on us to live in accordance to what He asks. It is not always easy to trust God when we do not see what He is up to. Sometimes it is hard to believe when things are not going the way you hoped they would. That is when we must have Faith the most. They say, when you are at your breakthrough, that is when the winds are the hottest. This is when the enemy roars the loudest, when he knows that God is ready to do something Big for you. That is why we must trust God even when we do not see our way, because He is always up to something.

Trusting in God does not mean that we do everything right all the time, it does mean that we allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. We must open our hearts to God and allow Him to come in and abide with us. Trusting God is when we do not lean on our own understanding but acknowledge God in all of our ways so that He can direct our path. He will make the way clear unto us. In His time all that we need to know and do will be set before us. While we are waiting on God to do something for us, we must continue to do the good that we know to do. We must not look to the left or right and compare ourselves saying the grass is greener over there. We must be diligent in the work that God has called us to do. We must always give thanks unto God for He is good all the time.

Bless you all & Stay warm, 

Shalea Berryhill


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