Taking The Time To Say I Love You, You Have Forgiven Me

 5 Bible Memory Verses for Kids About Forgiveness — Minno Parents

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom,

Taking the time to say I love you, and forgive me. I recall a song by Hezekiah Walker that says, “How many times, do I go against your will, and you’ve forgiven me, but yet I still, turn around and do the things, the things I shouldn’t do, cause I belong to you, but yet I still hear you calling my name.” Those are some beautiful lyrics and they are saying so much. God sees the mistakes that we have made and are still making, but yet He is merciful and forgives us. He does not hold the sins of yesterday against us. For the bible says that, “Mercies are new every morning.” We know that with every rising of the sun we have a chance to do things the best we know how for that day. Having the power in our hands to decide how we will live our lives is amazing. The song writer says “Jesus Take The Wheel, take it from my hands, cause I can’t do this on my own, I’m letting go, give me one more chance, and save me from this road I’m on, Jesus take the wheel”- Carrie Underwood This is another beautiful song that teaches us to let go of our own ideas of what life is about. We must allow for God to take control over our lives and listen to the still small voice that tells us to keep going and do the good we know to do. 

I am a believer in Jesus Christ and the power of the cross. The Lord is mighty to save and He will not put more on us than we can bare. I want to pray with you all right now. 


Father God I come before you in your son Jesus Christ Holy mighty and matchless name. I am asking you to cover us with your son Jesus Christ mighty blood. I ask that you put back up the hedges in our lives as you did with Job in the bible days. Job was tempted to curse You and die. He held onto his faith and did not give up and give into temptation. God you kept him safe and we are asking you to do the same for us. During this Covid-19 Pandemic we know that we must use precaution washing out hands, wearing masks and social distancing. We ask for your divine healing and protection. God we also ask you to forgive us as we repent for anything that we have done wrong. We say Lord forgive us of our sins and help us to be in good standing with you Master God. We pray that you keep us in Jesus Christ Holy Name we pray. Amen, Selah. 

I hope that this prayer has blessed and that you are thanking God for all of the many blessings that he has bestowed upon you. I pray that all of you are obedient to the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord is what makes us do right when we want to do wrong. Have a beautiful day and remember to stay warm out there & God Bless You.

 ~Ms. Shalea Berryhill


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