
Showing posts from 2021

God is the Light

What God has for you it is for You! :-)

Unto you mine eyes are lifted

Welcome to Words of Wisdom Blog, Mine eyes are on You Lord. During this time that is hard to get through, I lift my eyes to You God. I praise You God. Everyone please know that God Loves You and will never leave nor forsake You. Trust in the Lord Thy God with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge God and he will direct thy path. I paraphrased scripture. God does not want us to lean on our own mind for direction, we must follow what He is asking us to do. For the Bible says,  New International Version “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”-Mathew 5:8 Text from website also see for Holy Bible text. We must follow Gods instruction to the letter. And after we have done all that we know to do, stand firm in the power of His might. Yah Bless! Please be well, and feel free to reach out to me. God Bless You,  Ms. Shalea Berryhill  

Let's Keep Hopeful

Welcome to Words of Wisdom Blog,      I pray that all of you remain hopeful during this time. Corona Virus is in the land and we are all facing this together. My prayer is that everyone remain hopeful. My Church Equipping The Saints Ministries Boston has told all of us to buy canned goods and food that can be stored in cabinets. Please watch and pray during this time. Stay positive and please read your Holy Bible. This is what I am trying to do more of. Let’s endure through the blood, sweat and tears. Have a beautiful day and remember that Jesus Christ is Lord :-)  -Ms. Shalea Berryhill

My early morning Prayer unto God

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, Here is my early morning prayer at 3:44 am July 18, 2021:         Father God I come before You in Your Son Jesus Christ Mighty & Matchless Name. I thank you for Life Health & Strength. I pray for this Nation I pray for the Globe. I pray that you cover your people in Jesus Christ Mighty Blood. I pray for the Military and the Soldiers on the Frontline in Battle Physically and Spiritually. I pray that you Cover & Preserve & Protect Your People that are called according to Your Will & Purpose. Those that are out here doing your will in Physical & Spirit I pray that You Protect Us. I pray for The Church that you Lead, Guide & Protect Us. I pray that you heal the land from this COVID-19 Virus. I pray that you do not make it mandatory for us to have to take that COVID-19 Vaccine. I pray for the Great Leaders that you guide them in their decision making. I pray for peace in the Land and in the Globe. I pray that your will be done on

Running this race in Jesus Christ - scriptures from

Welcome to Words of Wisdom Blog,      Thank you for faithfully reading my blogs and giving feedback. I appreciate all of you greatly & this blog would not be the same without you! God bless you & stay tuned for more great good news!      Running this race in Jesus Christ is about living your best life. Uninhibited & On Fire for the Lord. I believe that all of us have special gifts and we all have a wealth of knowledge to share with the world. Living for Jesus Christ does not mean that everything is always easy, but we know that the rewards are wonderful!       Running this race will be hard and is hard. Many times we struggle to make ends meet and to have peace of mind. So many problems pile up one after the other. Pressures and hardship can burden the mind. We know that Jesus is a burden bearer. He says His Yoke is easy and burdens are light. We must go to God with the knowledge that He can do all things and will never fail.      I end this blog with an uplifting song quot

Leaders In The Bible

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog,  I want to start off by saying that Jesus Christ is A Mighty Good Leader, this is a hymnal that we use to sing in church at St. Johns Missionary Baptist Church on 230 Warren Street in Roxbury, MA 02119. This song says; "Let Jesus lead you, Let Jesus lead you, Let Jesus lead you all the way, All the way from Earth to Heaven, Let Jesus lead you, All the way. He's a Mighty Good Leader, He's a Mighty Good Leader, He's a Mighty Good Leader, All the way, All the way from Earth to Heaven, Let Jesus Lead You All The Way. He lead my Father & He lead my Mother, All the way, All the way from Earth to Heaven, Let Jesus lead you All the way, And He Lead my Brothers & He lead my Sisters, All the way, All the way from Earth to Heaven, Let Jesus Lead You All The way" This is part of the song. May the Lord add a blessing to those that hear His Word. I want to say Jesus Please Lead Me. Being a leader is difficult and often painful at times.

The Rapture Facebook Post

The Rapture Keep in mind... The Anti Christ comes before the Rapture. I have studied the Bible a lot in my life, in many different forms and it really does always come down to this. I have been hearing about the second coming of Christ and the events unfolding since I was a kid. The "Mark of the Beast", microchips, no cash/just plastic, Martial Law, TOTAL Government dependency/control. When we are raising a family, working long hours, some two jobs, lots of things go unnoticed or just get ignored. No one can comprehend how bad it will be til it is. We have NEVER been told to stay home, quit work and rely on the Government. We are seeing a lot of "firsts" since January. Can our minds and bodies handle what's coming? Not without God - I wonder what doctor they will have on the news explaining the Rapture and the disappearance of so many people? I won’t be here for it but it’s just a thought. While the devil is preparing people for the Anti Christ, God is pre

A Prayer for Salvation Life in Heaven

Hello everyone welcome to Words of Wisdom Blog: Today I would like to usher you into a prayer for Salvation. Some of you are Christians, and you know about Salvation & The message of The Cross and Jesus Christ dying for our sins. Some of you are not familiar with Salvation. I am here to help usher you into a prayer for Salvation. If you are Saved, Praise God! You can send people to this blog so that they too can pray for Salvation & God's Kingdom to come. Let's pray: Lord I invite you into my life. I recognize that I am a sinner in need of Salvation. I repent for my sins and I give my Soul to You God. I recognize that Jesus Christ died on The Cross and ascended into Heaven where He is praying and interceding for us daily. God I want to be saved and I am declaring that Jesus Christ You are my Lord and Savior. I need you God and I love You. I trust and I believe that I am Saved. Now that I am Saved I pray for Your Kingdom to come to Earth. I pray that Your Kingdom come an

Fill Me Up God: The Power Of The Cross

Hello Everyone Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, Thank you Jesus for life, you said that you would give us life abundantly. I am going to take the time to pray to God, is that okay? Here is a prayer to ask God to Fill Us Up Till We Over Flow: Father God I come before you in your Son Jesus Christ mighty name. I ask you to cover us with your Son Jesus' precious blood. I ask you to fill us up, we have need for more of you. We are running on low fuel and we need to be filled till we run over with your Holy Spirit, and have all of the fruits of the spirit. Lord help us to be filled with all of the goodness that encompasses you. Father God we pray right now that every curse that is trying to loom over us, our families, friends, communities, villages and world wide, we pray that the curses are broken. We pray that the chains begin to fall off, and that the scales be taken off of our eyes that we may be able to see more of you. Help us Father fill us and cover this world. Take away the hatr

Let Your Light Shine

  Welcome to Words of Wisdom Blog, Today I want to talk about Letting your light shine. I recall a hymnal we use to sing at St.John's Missionary Baptist Church in Roxbury, “Let your light shine, shine, shine. Let your light shine, shine, shine. Maybe someone down in the valley trying to get home.” I love that song and I hope that you all remember some of the Hymnals that we use to sing back in the day. I recall another song, it's by Tamela Mann, titled: Back In The Day Praise. This song is excellent. Mrs. Mann sings about how we use to worship God back in the day. I cannot recall all of the words, but I do remember her singing about Tent revivals and Shut-Ins. Do you remember those! That takes it way back and it makes me proud to be in the land of the living and saved! Thank you Jesus!  All of the many songs that have brought us over are Amazing! There are many songs that have inspired all of us down through the years. I praise God for the Music Industry and all of the People t

Tasty Shay's Soul Food Restaurant "Owner Shanitha Blocker"

Tasty Shay's Soul Food  Owner Shanitha Blocker Your Mouth will be watering for some more of Tasty Shay's food when you finish eating one of her outstanding Soul Food Dinners. The service is friendly & timely. Great portion sizes and Great prices. You will be satisfied with ALL of the food on your plate :-)   Shanitha is cooking in Boston, her # is (617) 751-0729 Text *Pre-Orders Only* $5 for Delivery Shanitha Cooks fried chicken, collard greens, candy yams, beef stew, baked potatoes, macaroni and cheese, banana pudding, cornbread, jasmine rice, teriyaki chicken & shrimp bowls and more... All sold with your choice of Water or Soda Tasty Shay's also will Cater your event! Please call my Friend Shanitha Blocker at Tasty Shay's and support :-)

Books: Lost In My Thoughts Volumes 1, 2 & 3 "Written By Bianca B-Infinity Julien"

Bianca B-Infinity Julien @b_infinity is an Entrepreneur, Author of "Lost In My Thoughts Volume 1, 2, & 3" @binfinitypublishingstudios, Home Educator, Co-op Founder @msbeeasllc, Numerologist, Investor, & Mother of four Bianca has a website at     " Lost In My Thoughts Volume 1, 2, & 3 Written by Bianca B-Infinity Julien " The books include poetry Written By Bianca from ages 9 until now. The first Volume is Self Reflecting. Volume 2 is "All About Love". Volume 3 is a "quick read" for readers continuing the "Lost In My Thoughts" journey. This Volume also features poetry from Bianca B-Infinity Julien's & Lewis Mathews' two beautiful oldest daughters Aliya "Diamond Thoughts" Mathews & Jalene "Blue Goddess" Mathews. They also have two beautiful younger children, King-Lewis Mathews & Brianna Mathews.  Bianca B-Infinity Julien says, " Life is beautiful once you ackn

Hidden Colors & My New Book Coming Soon

Hello Everyone Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, Here are some of my "Thoughts & Notes" about my new book, I have more about my book to come: Documentary-Book Title: How I Made It Over Hills, Valleys, & Mountain Tops an Autobiography written by Shalea Berryhill This book's goal: A Time To Reflect & Heal It Is Documented & Proven Jesus Christ Is Lord and He does great works. He is healing my mind and by His stripes I am healed! We are all made whole by His Body. We Know That: Adam & Eve were the 1st man and woman to walk the Earth, this is :-)💖God's Law & :-)💖Berryhill's Law & :-)💖Adams Law The Harvest Is Ripe & We Must Continue To Work Hard, If we take care of God's business, He will take care of ours :-)💖 My Book Will Be Coming Out Soon! I can't wait to share what God has placed on my Heart 👑💓

Warfare Prayer For Deliverance & Prosperity

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom    Hi, if you have noticed, I sing pieces of the full songs in my videos. I have limited time in my videos and I cannot fit everything in the short time frame. Please forgive me. Warfare Prayer; I want to pray for you all to be covered in the Blood of Jesus Christ In His Precious & Holy Name. I pray that the hedges be sent up in your life like Job in the bible. The battles that you are facing shall be no more. God says stop to the raging seas. God please release unmerited favor to Your people. Form marriages and strengthen marriages that are already together. What God Put Together Let No Man Or Woman Put Asunder. Give people finances Oh Lord. Help us to find jobs that will sustain us with overflow. Help us to prosper in every area of our life, mind, body, spirit & soul. Help us to have fun & do things that are beneficial to our future. Help us raise our children, prosper our businesses, take classses and earn honor rolls, promotion, certificate

Taking The Time To Say I Love You, You Have Forgiven Me

  Welcome To Words Of Wisdom, Taking the time to say I love you, and forgive me. I recall a song by Hezekiah Walker that says, “How many times, do I go against your will, and you’ve forgiven me, but yet I still, turn around and do the things, the things I shouldn’t do, cause I belong to you, but yet I still hear you calling my name.” Those are some beautiful lyrics and they are saying so much. God sees the mistakes that we have made and are still making, but yet He is merciful and forgives us. He does not hold the sins of yesterday against us. For the bible says that, “Mercies are new every morning.” We know that with every rising of the sun we have a chance to do things the best we know how for that day. Having the power in our hands to decide how we will live our lives is amazing. The song writer says “Jesus Take The Wheel, take it from my hands, cause I can’t do this on my own, I’m letting go, give me one more chance, and save me from this road I’m on, Jesus take the wheel”- Carri

Great Is Thy Faithfulness Oh God Our Father

  Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, Hi, this morning I am here to talk about Great Is Thy Faithfulness. I recall a song that sings, “Great is thy faithfulness, Oh God My Father, Morning By Morning New Mercies I See, All I Have Need Of Thy Hands Have Provided, Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lord Unto Us.” I Love this song because we can see the ways in which God has provided all that we have need of. He is faithful unto us, as we should be faithful unto Him. He gave us all the gift of Life! He has allowed us to breathe and to see, Thank you Jesus! We all have something to be thankful for. We thank you God for being so good to us. Take the time to think about something or someone in your life that brings you great satisfaction and joy, now say Thank You Jesus! God did it! God is the one that allows for us to have the wonderful blessings in our lives. It is God’s faithfulness to us that sustains our very lives. God wants us to be thankful for all that we have and to bless Him with our time, t

Sexual Purity

  Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, Hi everyone, today I want to discuss the topic of Sexual Purity. In the society around us, sex is everywhere becasue we are sexual beings. God has designed us to want sex. This is true, but God also gives clear guidelines and instructions to us about being pure. The bible says that we are to abstain from fornication. This means that we are not to have sex before being married. Yes, some of us have had sex without marriage, again God put the desire for sex in us. Although this is true, we are to abstain and wait for God to send us our spouse. God asks us not to have sex becasue he knows what is best for us and wants to protect us. The Marriage bed is undefiled and is Honorable to God.  Here are some scriptures from The Holy Bible King James Version about Sexual Purity: 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.   1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 For

Power In Being Flexible: A Time For Change

  Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, Today I want to talk about Being Flexible. In these uncertain times, things are constantly changing. The new normal is wearing a mask, washing hands often, and social distancing for most of the day. We are living in a time where most of our business is being handled online, and currency is distributed virtually. Everything about life as we know it is pointing us towards Being Flexible. We are all facing some type of change in our life that we must have to be flexible with.  Please take this time to ask God to help you to Be Flexible with all that you are facing. Ask Him to strengthen you and give you wisdom as you go forward doing your daily tasks. God I come before you in your Son Jesus Christ Mighty Name asking you to cover all of your children in your Son Jesus Christ blood. I ask you to reign the Holy Spirit on Your People like You know how. Thank you God for helping us to Be Flexible in all that we must do, and with all of the changes we a

Building On The Foundation Of Jesus Christ

Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom,     Hello everyone, g oing forward as we continue with our lives, we must remember Jesus Christ. In Him we live, move and have our being. We cannot live without Him, that is why we should always include Him in our daily lives. Building On The Foundation that Jesus Christ laid for us is very important. Christ is our rock and in Him we can do all things. Knowing this, we must be obedient to God's Holy Spirit and seek to do good. The Bible Says, " 1 Corinthians 3:10   By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one must be careful how he builds." The Bible Also Says, " Ephesians 2:20   built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone." We all need each other to go forward, Christ at the center, as we are working together for the up building of the Kingdom Of God. We must be diligent and careful as we build,

Continued Prayer Following Safety Precautions

  Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, Hi Everyone, I am coming before you this evening to talk about being safe. Right now we are facing a nation wide Pandemic COVID-19 and we must follow The USA Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Some people are getting the COVID-19 Vaccine and some people are not getting the COVID-19 Vaccine. The COVID-19 Vaccine just got The USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. I have not taken the COVID-19 Vaccination. It is your choice if you want to be COVID-19 Vaccinated. We must all be safe, wear our masks, wash hands and social distance. This is all very important now and going forward. All of this is important, but we have to remember every aspect of safety. We know that we should not go out of our homes when stores are closed. The people back in the days use to say, when the street lights come on for the evening, be in your home. I think that when stores and businesses shut down, and when the street lights come on for the