
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Journey to glory!

  Good Day Everyone!!      We are all on this journey of life. I am happy that I am here and alive! Sometimes it's hard to make ends meet and to do all that we have set out to do, but life is still worth it. I sit here at my laptop typing, my mind begins to think about all of the places I've been and people that I have seen growing up. I am honored to have experienced the life God has given me. I am happy that He has blessed me with so much; Parents, Siblings, Niece and Nephews, All of my Family, Friends and This Community. I thank God for all that He has done in my life. I do not take one thing for granted, I say Thank You Jesus!!! Thank you my Abba Father who art in Heaven on the throne!!!       Journey, that word represents and means so much to me. I think of passageways and tunnels. I think of the Underground RailRoad, The Titanic, I think of near and far places like Africa, Asia, India, Arabia, America, Canada, and South America. Far and near, this is all a journey. I thin

All Things Work Together For Good

  Hello welcome to my blog Her Words Of Wisdom,  In The Bible, it says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”- Romans 8:28 KJV This is a beautiful scripture because it gives us the assurance that all things will work out for us if (1) we love God (2) we are called to carry out His purpose. If we are living for God and Sold Out (Walking by Faith in Jesus Christ), things will fall right into place in our lives. We won’t have to fear or be afraid of any obstacle that comes our way. We can rest assured that God’s got us.  Just as the Holy Bible and Songstress Jekalyn Carr talk about the beating, the pressing and the shaking. The process by which an olive produces oil. The scriptures say, “And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee olive oil, pure, beaten, for the light, to light the lamp continually.”-Exodus 27:20 After the Olive Oil is produced, it can be used to bring lig

The Bible App Devotion: Prayer & Surrendering To Jesus Christ

Hi,      Please download The Bible App. The Icon at the top of this page is how the app looks. Go to apple play or google play store. Download The Holy Bible App, a bible like the one at the top of this page should show up. That is the one that I use. I hope that it is helpful for you, and an inspiration, going upward and forward in Jesus Name.      When and why do we wrestle with God? These are serious questions that we must ponder. They are deep because all of us have done it sometime in our life. To give God total control over our lives, and to say Lord I trust you, can be very hard to do. Lord Help Me to surrender my will unto you in Jesus Christ Mighty & Matchless Name. Here is the summary I typed on The Bible App. It is what I learned from the devotion about Prayer & Surrendering our will to God: On the internet web browser, go to: There you can also find the link to get The Bible App. 

The Harvest Is Ripe Lets Work Hard & Reap Our Rewards

  Hello Everyone:      Today I want to talk about The Harvest Is Ripe and Working In The Vineyard like David and Ruth. There are many examples of hard work and people that achieve greatness in the bible. Many women and men are mentioned in The Holy Scriptures. I want to take the time and delve into working in the field. So often we get tired of working so hard and diligently, but we All must remember that our hard work does yield bountiful benefits. The Harvest is ripe.      I believe in the power of giving back and working as a team to achieve much success. In this Covid-19 season, it has been hard for us all. But we must remember that working together with unstoppable team work, we can beat this virus. We can do this together. Everyone is trying to make things happen for themselves and people that they love. This is possible with determination. God says, we should have faith the size of a mustard seed. A mustard seed is small, but with just a little faith, we can make mountains move.

There Is Power In Connecting

  Hi Everyone:      There is awesome power being in connection with and praying to God (Blessed Trinity: Our Father God, Jesus Christ Our Savior and the Holy Spirit Our Guide). And there is also power in connecting with Angels and All of Heaven . I am a strong believer in community and village living. These are all set in place so that we can cultivate strong and personal relationships with each other. It is in our vulnerability that we are made strong. When we can be transparent with eachother we can do so much.      Connection is key to a strong society. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of eachother and learning to exist in harmony is what we are striving for. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. I believe this is true. We must work together to make sure the children are clothed, fed, educated, happy and whole. We also want them to be strong, kind and caring individuals too. We must cultivate this in our children and even in us adults. We have to work togeth

Each One Teach One Reach One

Hello everybody:     I love when people are helpful to others. I believe in the motto each one teach one reach one. We all have something that we can share with someone else. I believe that it is important to be a helping hand and not a stumbling block. Over the years I have had many people speak into my life. They have helped me tremendously.  I encourage you to think about the people or places that have spoken to you, and that have inspired you to be and do your very best. We should take time to cultivate the gifts that we see in ourselves and in others. Be a helping hand and lets please lift each other forward and upward.      With love we must correct each other when need be. Helping our brothers and sisters to see errors and ways they can improve, with love, is needed. Most people call this constructive criticism. I pray that people in my life reprove me, with love, so that I can be a better person. I also ask God to help me to inspire and reprove others, with love. I want to give

Let The Good Times Roll Into 2021

Hello Everyone:     We are embracing a time of year when the Good Times Roll. We have Thanksgiving next week :-) CHRISTMAS then of course New Years Day!!! I want to give a Special Shout out to my good friends Trinece and Shea, kind cousin Brenda, hard working cousin Shawn Lee, best friend David, creative cousin Alecia also known as Lecia, and cutie pie nephew BRANDON (turning 3yrs old). Their BIRTHDAYS are November-December 2020!! There are many more Family & Friends Birthdays, so many, everyone's Day is Special! There are Anniversaries and sooo much more!     This is the time to truly celebrate how Good God has truly been to all of us. This New Year we must remember that God has brought us through a wilderness season. This season is wilderness because none of us expected to be thrown a virus to fight daily. This season of 2020 we had to stay quarantined, work from home, homeschool the babies, wear masks and gloves in public, do many tasks from home and do errands and business

St. John Missionary Baptist Church Unconditional Love Studio Days

Hello All, Here are some photos from St. John Missionary Baptist Church Boston Unconditional Love Choir & also a photo of Dr. Gregory A. McPherson (Musical Director).      These songs were composed when I was maybe 6 years old in the Unconditional Love Choir, I am 34 years old now. Many moons ago, oldies but goodies. I hope that you all enjoy the music. The Songs are:  (1) I'm So Glad I'm Free (2) So Glad I'm Free Remix (3) Sunshine Email me at, put “Blogger St. John Missionary Baptist Church Boston Unconditional Love Choir” in the Subject line. I will send the music to your email. Remember to keep the Most High 1st, God Bless & Have a beautiful night!

Holiday Time: The Center Of Our Joy

Hi everyone,       Enlight of everything going on in the world, God is the Center of my joy. Everyday is a journey and every moment is priceless. I am happy because I may not have all that I want, but God does provide all that we need. This day can never be redone, this is it, this is our time. Each day we get a chance to live out our God given purpose. The Bible says that mercies are new every morning.      Center of my joy, what does that mean to you? Who, what or where is the center of your joy? I find that I have "go to's" in my life. This is places, people and things I go to for healing, joy, love and much more. I find that some of my go to's are not always available to me. The go to that is always available is God. I am thankful for everyone and everything that God has blessed me with. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we are God's hands and feet on this earth. We are the ones God uses to carry out His Ultimate Plan. He also uses the Angels to reveal His mi

Covid-19 Check In

How is everyone doing with Covid-19!      Please check in with comments about your families and all of your concerns. Are you working, in school, or both? Do you still attend church services or meetings in person, or is everything, Video Chat and Live streaming. What are your children doing? And how has your family dynamic changed because of Covid-19. I do everything online but I still go shopping and handle some business in person. For example, visiting family, atm, money orders, groceries, and dining out. Online I do Zoom, emailing, school, shopping: Amazon&Ebay usually, video chatting, social media, and much more.       Life as we know has changed, and we are all adjusting. We have some new people in the White House!! President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Hariss, great History makers!! They are for positive revolution, such as resources for everybody, healthcare, and fairness across the board. Politics is very important and we all, including me, should make sure

Diet & Exercise: Don't Give Up

Hi, I hope that you are having a great day!      I am here to talk about Diet, Exercise and what they mean to me. I feel that food and staying active are a vital part of being healthy inside and out. To be healthy is not only about the physical, but includes mental, spiritual, and emotions [and much more]. In this blog I will focus on the Physical part of leading a healthy life. I have been struggling with losing weight for the past 10 years. I have lost a considerable amount of weight in my late twenties and early thirties. I was able to do this by extensive exercise and dieting. I had a personal trainer for many months and was able to learn a lot about how to lose and keep weight off. I also learned exercise strategies and how to cook healthy food and make healthy food choices.      I thank God for people that share their weight loss journey with before and after pictures. They inspire so many people to make a change and to become healthy. Health is not just about losing and keeping

Ideas About Cook Books & Creativity In The Kitchen

Welcome everyone: This is a blog about different cooking styles and strategies.      I learned all that I know in the kitchen by watching my parents and grandparents cook early in life. As I began cooking as an adult, I picked up ideas from my siblings, friends and TV shows. I have also learned from many family members, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Sometimes I see a certain type of food in a restaurant or on television and try to make it myself. I have learned that YouTube and Pinterest are good sites for learning how to cook new recipes. Nowadays it is easy to get your hands on a recipe for a dish because we have the internet and its unlimited resources. I have made a list of all of the seasonings and condiments that I use for my food. I have also made a list of the Dishes and Drinks that I know how to prepare. I have made these lists in a memo and I titled it Shalea’s Annointed Kitchen. If you would like a copy of my Food Choices let me know. The choices are eclectic and include dishe

Old Soul Poem

Here is a poem that I wrote last night: Old Soul I've seen a lot of things And been a lot of places But the one thing that stays consistent  Is my  Soul Greys purples whites and golds Royalties and much more The ability to think and to feel The honor from the Most High Yah And accountability from my peers Floods me Maturity and playfulness Listening and relating Serious and light hearted The duality of life Intricacies and comparisons They are all woven together and make for a beautiful reality Light and dark and all in between Together we rise we feel and we believe God is truth. Always remember and look forward and upward Loved ones keep the Old Soul.  By Shalea Berryhill I am a work in progress, We All Are :-) Growth  Bless You and there's more to this poem, will update blog with more Peace and Happy Holiday’s 

God's Sovereign Nature

Hello Everyone       It is amazing how God loves us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to be put as a ransom for our sins.  He is Our King and the ruler of this World. He is Abba Father the one and only true and living almighty God. We call Him Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I am in Love with God because I know that He first Loved Me and All of Us!! Sometimes we may lose sight of the importance of Jesus Christ and the Angels. We can begin to think that we do things in our own strength, but it's the Holy Spirit indwelling in us that gives us Power from on High. God helps us in our lives to get through the tough times, and enjoy the good times. It is important to know that we are all working with help.      In my life I have had the pleasure of having many Spiritual Guides, of course the Angels and the Holy Spirit. I have lived a life where there has always been someone to give me a nudge in the right direction. A Lot of my strength back when I was in high sc

Homeschooling & Work

Hello everyone,      We are in the age of homeschooling while working. We can also say that homeschooling is working. Parents and Guardians have a huge responsibility to work with the teachers so that their child or children can pass and graduate to the next grade. Not only do parents have to teach and facilitate, but most have to work a full time job too! It can get crazy and hectic but it's a job somebody's got to do. Also, we have the teachers and the school system. They have a huge responsibility too. They must teach the students from Zoom or some form of video program. It can be a challenge for them as well. As you can imagine there are so many components that go into making a virtual classroom run smoothly.       I have had the privilege to sit in on a few Zoom classes with my elementary age niece and nephew. Also I have watched my sister homeschool her 2yr old son as well. The 2yr old responded well to my sisters interaction with him and she used Television as a tool for

Reading & The Power Of Technology

Hello Everyone,      I have read soo many books. I want to encourage everyone to Read as much as you can. Knowledge truly is power. Their is a device called the Kindle, where you can download books online. If you read paper books, Kindle books, or any type of data, it is Very important to do so. We are living in an age where mostly everything is virtual. At this time we all must have some knowledge of technology and how to use it in everyday life. You may be at the atm, restaurant, grocery store, bank, personal laptop/computer or cell phone, technology is very important. Take the timeout to learn how to do the basics. You can do this by following the prompts and the tutorials on your phone or computer. Almost all of the programs and apps on the phones and laptops have a tutorial or some information that explains how the program works.       Reading and Technology go hand and hand. They both are the motivation force behind this new movement of Information. A good friend of mine told me

Mental Health & What It Means To Me

This book is a great tool for people struggling with hurt and pains from the past and presently. It can help you to have the self dialogue needed for healing. If you would like a copy of "Shift from Pain into Purpose: A Guide To Transformation", please comment below and I will try my best to get it for you. Hi everyone,       I have had the pleasure of knowing many men and women who have struggled with and help people who struggle with Mental Illness. It has been beautiful to see people have their whole life changed by Love, Acceptance, and Understanding from one person or many people. The seeds that are planted in a persons life can produce a bountiful harvest. I have been on both ends of the spectrum and all in between. I have been the person struggling with mental health issues, and I have also been the one helping people get through tough times. Both points on the spectrum are pivotal because they create what is known as Mental Health Advocacy. Without the need for help,