The Journey to glory!

 3 Reasons Why 'The Journey Is the Reward'

Good Day Everyone!!

    We are all on this journey of life. I am happy that I am here and alive! Sometimes it's hard to make ends meet and to do all that we have set out to do, but life is still worth it. I sit here at my laptop typing, my mind begins to think about all of the places I've been and people that I have seen growing up. I am honored to have experienced the life God has given me. I am happy that He has blessed me with so much; Parents, Siblings, Niece and Nephews, All of my Family, Friends and This Community. I thank God for all that He has done in my life. I do not take one thing for granted, I say Thank You Jesus!!! Thank you my Abba Father who art in Heaven on the throne!!! 

    Journey, that word represents and means so much to me. I think of passageways and tunnels. I think of the Underground RailRoad, The Titanic, I think of near and far places like Africa, Asia, India, Arabia, America, Canada, and South America. Far and near, this is all a journey. I think of passageways and destinations, stories, hard work and rewards. Along this journey we are all here to make our dreams come true, in the best way that we know how. 

    On my journey I am open to people that I have known for years and people that I meet. My soul is reaching out to many places, ideas and concepts. I am thanking God for the open doors that He has for me. I thank God for routing and rerouting me. I thank God for opening and closing some doors for me, for my own protection. My prayer is that All of you will continue on Life’s journey with an open mind, with God's words as your compass.  I ask God to cast down any fear in You and uprise His Glory in and through your Life. I praise God for your life, and I hope that you praise Him for it too.

I am on a journey, We ALL are on a journey. Pitfalls, uphill battles, defeats, triumphs, wins and all in between. Destination: Heaven!

Have a Blessed Weekend! :-) <3


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