Holiday Time: The Center Of Our Joy

Hi everyone, 

    Enlight of everything going on in the world, God is the Center of my joy. Everyday is a journey and every moment is priceless. I am happy because I may not have all that I want, but God does provide all that we need. This day can never be redone, this is it, this is our time. Each day we get a chance to live out our God given purpose. The Bible says that mercies are new every morning.

    Center of my joy, what does that mean to you? Who, what or where is the center of your joy? I find that I have "go to's" in my life. This is places, people and things I go to for healing, joy, love and much more. I find that some of my go to's are not always available to me. The go to that is always available is God. I am thankful for everyone and everything that God has blessed me with. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we are God's hands and feet on this earth. We are the ones God uses to carry out His Ultimate Plan. He also uses the Angels to reveal His mighty glory in the Heaven's and on this Earth too.

    I believe that we can only receive such joy from God. I feel that everything in this Life is connected to a divine source, God. He is the Vine and we are the branches. We can try to find center joy in many different ways, but I don't think one can truly have joy if they don't know Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. Christ at the center is not just a catchy phrase, it is a way of Life. I am trying to live a lifestyle of peace and joy. The bible says whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 

    God is saying, how a man or woman thinketh, that is how they are. Meaning, what is on your mind begins to become you. We are a product of what we think of ourselves and others. You can Think a thing, speak it out and then act on it. That is life. Where is the center of joy? It is in what you think about life, and ultimately your decision to follow Jesus Christ. My prayer is that everyone who reads this blog will know and love Jesus Christ, if you do great! If you are not familiar with Him, please go to a Bible based church. You can reach out to me and I can try to help you. There is no quick fix but God can make all things new. When we shed the weight of disappointment, confusion, depression and all ailments, we know that God is right there for us. In fact, He is the one that helped us to get free.

The Center of my joy is Jesus Christ and He brings Freedom.

Have a blessed day, let Jesus be your watch and compass.


  1. This was good. Yes, when we are in the presence of the Lord He gives us strength, joy and peace


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