Covid-19 Check In

How is everyone doing with Covid-19!

    Please check in with comments about your families and all of your concerns. Are you working, in school, or both? Do you still attend church services or meetings in person, or is everything, Video Chat and Live streaming. What are your children doing? And how has your family dynamic changed because of Covid-19. I do everything online but I still go shopping and handle some business in person. For example, visiting family, atm, money orders, groceries, and dining out. Online I do Zoom, emailing, school, shopping: Amazon&Ebay usually, video chatting, social media, and much more. 

    Life as we know has changed, and we are all adjusting. We have some new people in the White House!! President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Hariss, great History makers!! They are for positive revolution, such as resources for everybody, healthcare, and fairness across the board. Politics is very important and we all, including me, should make sure to keep current with all policies in our perspective Countries. I am in support of newness, but also keeping what has worked in this country for decades. I can go on :) I can speak of my views about government, religion and our Country and everything we do as a people and as one soul. I will save these topics for another blog. Please be prepared and open for discussions about such topics. 

Peace and Love..

God bless this Country &God Bless Us all!!!


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