The Harvest Is Ripe Lets Work Hard & Reap Our Rewards

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Hello Everyone:

    Today I want to talk about The Harvest Is Ripe and Working In The Vineyard like David and Ruth. There are many examples of hard work and people that achieve greatness in the bible. Many women and men are mentioned in The Holy Scriptures. I want to take the time and delve into working in the field. So often we get tired of working so hard and diligently, but we All must remember that our hard work does yield bountiful benefits. The Harvest is ripe.

    I believe in the power of giving back and working as a team to achieve much success. In this Covid-19 season, it has been hard for us all. But we must remember that working together with unstoppable team work, we can beat this virus. We can do this together. Everyone is trying to make things happen for themselves and people that they love. This is possible with determination. God says, we should have faith the size of a mustard seed. A mustard seed is small, but with just a little faith, we can make mountains move. Try God!

    Just as David who worked hard in the fields and was promoted to great King, Ruth worked hard with and for Naomi then married Boaz, we too can work, achieve and gain promotion. There is power in hard work and steadiness that is undeniable. Just as the mighty warriors of Ode, we too can be great and are great! We must tap into our strengths and the power from the most high God. The Holy Spirit is our guide and our help. WE can do all things through Christ who strengthens Us. Let's gather the help from the Angels and All of Heaven and work hard to achieve our dreams, and kick Covid-19s butt. 

Have A Blessed Thanksgiving and Happy Holiday!! :-) <3  


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