There Is Power In Connecting

 Connecting for Life -

Hi Everyone:

    There is awesome power being in connection with and praying to God (Blessed Trinity: Our Father God, Jesus Christ Our Savior and the Holy Spirit Our Guide). And there is also power in connecting with Angels and All of Heaven. I am a strong believer in community and village living. These are all set in place so that we can cultivate strong and personal relationships with each other. It is in our vulnerability that we are made strong. When we can be transparent with eachother we can do so much.

    Connection is key to a strong society. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of eachother and learning to exist in harmony is what we are striving for. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. I believe this is true. We must work together to make sure the children are clothed, fed, educated, happy and whole. We also want them to be strong, kind and caring individuals too. We must cultivate this in our children and even in us adults. We have to work together to make things fair for all people. We must make these connections.

    We can do this by starting with listening and compassion, then comes action. Taking the necessary action to work at making dreams come true for all people. It is said that Team Work Makes The Dream Work. I believe that, and I have seen it in action. Many CEO’s, Directors and Owners of organizations and businesses work with a team to make their dreams a reality. In the same way families, friends and communities work together and make great! things happen as well. In my family and with my friends and community we all have been working together to ease the pressure of COVID-19. This virus has hit us all by surprise, and we have banned together in making life easier for eachother. In the church I attend Equipping The Saints Ministries (ETSM) we work together and reach souls for the Kingdom of God.

    My prayer is that team work will make the dream work for every person that is reading this post. Please pray for me that my dreams come into fruition, just as yours will! May God Bless you with the blessings of the great Angels and All of Heaven. I pray that Jesus Christ lives in your heart, because of His sacrifice on the Cross, we all have the ability and the grace to make our Dreams Work. Selah


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