Homeschooling & Work

Hello everyone,

    We are in the age of homeschooling while working. We can also say that homeschooling is working. Parents and Guardians have a huge responsibility to work with the teachers so that their child or children can pass and graduate to the next grade. Not only do parents have to teach and facilitate, but most have to work a full time job too! It can get crazy and hectic but it's a job somebody's got to do. Also, we have the teachers and the school system. They have a huge responsibility too. They must teach the students from Zoom or some form of video program. It can be a challenge for them as well. As you can imagine there are so many components that go into making a virtual classroom run smoothly. 

    I have had the privilege to sit in on a few Zoom classes with my elementary age niece and nephew. Also I have watched my sister homeschool her 2yr old son as well. The 2yr old responded well to my sisters interaction with him and she used Television as a tool for his learning, the learning was very fun. It was enjoyable to see my elementary age niece and nephew interact with their teachers and classmates online. I did see some challenges but for the most part everyone was on task. Everything flows naturally as long as the internet connection is strong for the laptops given by the school. I was very pleased with my observations and I can say that the students have learned enough about technology in the classroom, and that has helped them with their work at home. The parents and teachers can collaborate well if everyone is on task and working for the best interest of everybody involved. 

    Just as parents work with students and teachers, older students must work well with their teachers or professors. It is very important that students take the time out and email, call or text teachers and vice versa with the teachers or professors. As long as there is an open line of communication between teachers and students, online video learning can be great! Let me know your thoughts about online school and homeschooling. Do you feel that homeschooling can be difficult, if so what are the challenges? Do you see any communication issues or have you seen communication be great!? Homeschooling and video virtual classrooms are ideal for the day and age that we are living in. Especially with the spike of Covid-19 virus. I am happy to say that homeschooling is a great way to educate our leaders and future leaders.


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