Mental Health & What It Means To Me

This book is a great tool for people struggling with hurt and pains from the past and presently. It can help you to have the self dialogue needed for healing. If you would like a copy of "Shift from Pain into Purpose: A Guide To Transformation", please comment below and I will try my best to get it for you.

Hi everyone, 

    I have had the pleasure of knowing many men and women who have struggled with and help people who struggle with Mental Illness. It has been beautiful to see people have their whole life changed by Love, Acceptance, and Understanding from one person or many people. The seeds that are planted in a persons life can produce a bountiful harvest. I have been on both ends of the spectrum and all in between. I have been the person struggling with mental health issues, and I have also been the one helping people get through tough times. Both points on the spectrum are pivotal because they create what is known as Mental Health Advocacy. Without the need for help, we would not have room for Mental Health Workers. 

    Just recently I spoke with a Mental Health Clinician that use to work with me. She asked me if I would consider being a Mental Health Peer Leader. This position was brought to me before, and I would shy away from it. Mostly because it involves alot of responsibility. I believe that being a leader is very important and effects alot of people. So it is something that I take seriously and I still have so much to learn. I have decided to look into becoming a Mental Health Peer Counselor. I am doing research on the position.

    Mental Health is very important to me and near and dear to my heart. One, I have been diagnosed with a mental illness, two, many people that I love and care about have been diagnosed with mental illness, and three, their are so many wonderful people that Love&Support people who are struggling. I am in this battle for Peace in our Nation. I believe that the only way we can achieve such peace is by starting at the root. Our minds are the starting place of everything we experience in this life. We create the laws of the land, with our minds. Like Joyce Meyer says, "The Mind Is The Battle Field". We should all be educated about mental health and its effects in our communities and this world at large. Mental Illness is real and healing can only begin with recognition. Just as our physical bodies break down or become ill, the same with our minds.

    I live in Massachusetts where Mass Mental Health Department or DMH is where people go for help. Not only can you go to your State's Mental Health Department, you can research mental health clinics, day programs, and psych wards if you need them. Get connected with people in your community that do mental health advocacy. Ask me, and I can do research for you and help link you to people that will help meet your personal needs. We can all achieve good mental health together. It is a team effort, and Everyone is included :-) I am open to Mental Health, and I believe that you should be too, because we can all benefit from learning about it. 


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