Ideas About Cook Books & Creativity In The Kitchen

Welcome everyone:

This is a blog about different cooking styles and strategies.

    I learned all that I know in the kitchen by watching my parents and grandparents cook early in life. As I began cooking as an adult, I picked up ideas from my siblings, friends and TV shows. I have also learned from many family members, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Sometimes I see a certain type of food in a restaurant or on television and try to make it myself. I have learned that YouTube and Pinterest are good sites for learning how to cook new recipes. Nowadays it is easy to get your hands on a recipe for a dish because we have the internet and its unlimited resources. I have made a list of all of the seasonings and condiments that I use for my food. I have also made a list of the Dishes and Drinks that I know how to prepare. I have made these lists in a memo and I titled it Shalea’s Annointed Kitchen. If you would like a copy of my Food Choices let me know. The choices are eclectic and include dishes and seasonings from many cultures. I like to have a good variety because every culture has good food.

    My family makes great food! We all want to construct a Family Cook Book where we would list dish recipes and instructions of how to cook them. I am not sure if this book will only be in family or available for whomever is interested in our cuisine. I believe that every household should have a family cook book. This way, the food that you know and love can be passed down from generation to generation. This is wealth and health. It is great to experiment with different flavors, meats, veggies, fruits and so much more. I find it satisfying to create a dish that tastes good to not only me, but others too. I am hoping that this blog will inspire you to be creative with food, enjoy foods from different cultures, and to create your own personal Family Cook Book.

    Leave comments below if you would like to share your favorite dish or recipe with US who are reading this blog. Also, I know that many people have secret recipes that never leave the family or a person in the family. Some people go to the grave holding onto a recipe. I encourage you to please give me feedback on how food or cooking has shaped your life and how it has changed it for the better? Have a great day &may God richly bless you In and Out of the Kitchen :-)


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