God's Sovereign Nature

Hello Everyone 

    It is amazing how God loves us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to be put as a ransom for our sins.  He is Our King and the ruler of this World. He is Abba Father the one and only true and living almighty God. We call Him Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I am in Love with God because I know that He first Loved Me and All of Us!! Sometimes we may lose sight of the importance of Jesus Christ and the Angels. We can begin to think that we do things in our own strength, but it's the Holy Spirit indwelling in us that gives us Power from on High. God helps us in our lives to get through the tough times, and enjoy the good times. It is important to know that we are all working with help.

    In my life I have had the pleasure of having many Spiritual Guides, of course the Angels and the Holy Spirit. I have lived a life where there has always been someone to give me a nudge in the right direction. A Lot of my strength back when I was in high school and college came from music. The sound and lyrics of the music was soothing and healing to my soul. I will never forget the days in my home singing, dancing and listening to music. We have all had much in our lives that has shaped who we are. But we must know and realize that everything is divinely orchestrated, and everything happens in  God’s timing. We are vessels that are used in the Kingdom of God and we are His hands, feet, eyes, nose, mouth and all of the “senses” here on earth. He Jehovah Jireh is the One that makes the World go round. 

    It does not matter your background we all have something in common, and that is the divine spirit of the Most High Yah. We are all open to God because He is our Creator, and He holds the Times. Being the all Knowing omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God. We must cast all of our burdens on Him because He cares for US. God has shown numerous times that He is almighty and the Creator. Look at the sky, the waters, the animals, and Yes us Humans. We are all uniquely and intricately made and planted exactly where we are supposed to be in this World. Look at all of creation, rain, snow, flowers, fall, trees, leaves, wind and Everything that was made, He did it.

    Even the catastrophes and the problems that we face in our Nation, God allows for them to take place. He allows for things to happen to us, to teach us lessons, for our good, to reprove and correct us, or for His Glory and mighty Plan. I say all this to say that God is Good! And His mercy endureth forever!! We should reverence Him for the fact that He is Our God and the One that knows and sees all. He decides our fate and He knows what's best for us :-) 

Amen &Amen. God Bless You and Your Families!!

Happy Holidays To You!!


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