Reading & The Power Of Technology

Hello Everyone,

    I have read soo many books. I want to encourage everyone to Read as much as you can. Knowledge truly is power. Their is a device called the Kindle, where you can download books online. If you read paper books, Kindle books, or any type of data, it is Very important to do so. We are living in an age where mostly everything is virtual. At this time we all must have some knowledge of technology and how to use it in everyday life. You may be at the atm, restaurant, grocery store, bank, personal laptop/computer or cell phone, technology is very important. Take the timeout to learn how to do the basics. You can do this by following the prompts and the tutorials on your phone or computer. Almost all of the programs and apps on the phones and laptops have a tutorial or some information that explains how the program works. 

    Reading and Technology go hand and hand. They both are the motivation force behind this new movement of Information. A good friend of mine told me that we are in the Era of Information, and I believe that to be true. We have to take in alot of information, process it, and use it efficiently in our everyday lives. I urge everyone to begin to Read all of the data that surrounds us. The information that you see consistently will help you with all you need to know about your personal life, people in your community, and people worldwide. Just as the students being home-schooled and learning from home, we must do our homework. If you need help searching for places in your community that do free online info sessions, comment below. Every community has a place where you can go to learn the tools you need for everyday living. Their are so many resources out there. Anything that you want to do, there is a connection to someone, people or organization that can help make your dreams a reality.

Stay Plugged In. Read. &Understand Technology. 


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