Each One Teach One Reach One

Hello everybody:

    I love when people are helpful to others. I believe in the motto each one teach one reach one. We all have something that we can share with someone else. I believe that it is important to be a helping hand and not a stumbling block. Over the years I have had many people speak into my life. They have helped me tremendously. I encourage you to think about the people or places that have spoken to you, and that have inspired you to be and do your very best. We should take time to cultivate the gifts that we see in ourselves and in others. Be a helping hand and lets please lift each other forward and upward. 

    With love we must correct each other when need be. Helping our brothers and sisters to see errors and ways they can improve, with love, is needed. Most people call this constructive criticism. I pray that people in my life reprove me, with love, so that I can be a better person. I also ask God to help me to inspire and reprove others, with love. I want to give positive feedback and constructive criticism to others, as it is freely given to me. All of this is for the up building of God's Kingdom, and to make our lives better. Bless You for reading this, Selah. 


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