Let The Good Times Roll Into 2021

Hello Everyone:

    We are embracing a time of year when the Good Times Roll. We have Thanksgiving next week :-) CHRISTMAS then of course New Years Day!!! I want to give a Special Shout out to my good friends Trinece and Shea, kind cousin Brenda, hard working cousin Shawn Lee, best friend David, creative cousin Alecia also known as Lecia, and cutie pie nephew BRANDON (turning 3yrs old). Their BIRTHDAYS are November-December 2020!! There are many more Family & Friends Birthdays, so many, everyone's Day is Special! There are Anniversaries and sooo much more!

    This is the time to truly celebrate how Good God has truly been to all of us. This New Year we must remember that God has brought us through a wilderness season. This season is wilderness because none of us expected to be thrown a virus to fight daily. This season of 2020 we had to stay quarantined, work from home, homeschool the babies, wear masks and gloves in public, do many tasks from home and do errands and business less and sparingly in public. For many of us, this meant celebrating less and not doing many recreational activities. Through all of this, we are working together to make life doable and great for us all! This has been a very difficult time to get through, but let the Good Times roll!! We have much to be thankful for coming into this year 2021!!!

    We are here to tell the story. Some did not make it, and we do celebrate their lives and all that they have contributed to society. God has called them home to be with Him. While we're here we have work to do. We must not stay silent, we must speak about how God has truly brought us over. Let the testimonies come forward in Jesus' name.  

WE all have something that we are trying to accomplish, working on, or trying to finish. For the New Year I want to:

Read my Bible more &spend time in God's presence

Rely on Angel's all of Heaven more

Love people with the agape love that God shares with us all &connect with my Family&Friends

Continue Schooling

Work on my YouTube producing and this Blog Her Words of Wisdom--Also stay current on Social Media

That's just a little bit of what I have planned going forward, but it encompasses so much of what my 2021 (going upward and forward) will look like.

Our ways are not His ways, His are far above our own (God). God has good plans for us, to prosper us and to give us a future. So we pray that He holds our hands through His process for our lives. Selah


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