
Showing posts from December, 2020

WE Are Ready: Welcome To New Year's Eve 2020 Going Into January 2021

  Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, Please watch the Youtube video above, 2021 here we come! Have a blessed day and Lets Celebrate A New Year!! Stay Warm, Shalea Berryhill

Lets Get Ready!!!! New Year's Eve 2020 -> 2021

Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom,  Today is New Year’s Eve!!! I am so excited and I hope that you are as well. We are embarking upon 2021 and we have so much to be thankful for, we have health, life and strength. During this Covid-19 season we have all learned so much: Work hard and save money Never take anything for granted, life can be taken from you anytime Love hard and care for your loved ones Be Sanitary And so many life lessons I cannot list them all I am very happy to come before you all with my blog. I thank God that I have the ability to do all that I am doing. It is God that gives us the strength and the ability to Live. I do videos often on my Youtube channel: Shalea Berryhill. It is there that I also am able to encourage and inspire people to do their very best and live a great life! I often pray for people here in my blog and also on my Youtube channel, asking God to cover Us in Jesus Christ blood. I thank you all for supporting me, as I support you.  Going into the New

True Love & Self Esteem

  Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,           I hope that you all are enjoying my Blogs and Youtube videos. Some of you are reading blogs and commenting, thank you. For those that don't leave comments, thank you too. I try to inspire and give thought provoking words for everyone to enjoy. Please feel free to email me: in the subject line please put: "blogger responses." I am humbled to deliver fresh words of wisdom to all of you, as God shares them with me. Enjoy my video on True Love & Self Esteem. There will eventually be a True Love & Self Esteem Part 2. I am thanking you all once again for your continued support with everything I am doing.  I love you & God loves you.  Stay warm and blessed,  Shalea   

Moving Forward Step By Step

  Welcome to my Words Of Wisdom Blog,   Today I want to talk about moving forward step by step. When I think about moving forward a marathon comes to mind. Moving steady and consistent, not moving too fast and getting burnt out. When you do a marathon you know that you have a long distance ahead of you, so you pace your steps. Life is a lot like that, pacing ourselves so that we can reach our destination. The bible says to be anxious for nothing and to cast our cares on God. This teaches us that we should rest assured that God will get us to where we need to be in His timing. I am not saying that we should not have concerns about where we are heading, but we must stay on track and do the good we know to do.  Heading into 2021 I am going to try and be the best me I can be. Forever changing, growing, learning, and becoming wiser, falling down but getting up with God's help. I ask God to make me stronger and help me be a blessing to the people I know personally and everyone that i

King Jesus We Love & Honor You: Life Full Circle

  Welcome to blog Words Of Wisdom,  I am glad that I have the pleasure of coming before you to talk about Love and Honor, Life coming Full Circle. When I think of Love and Honor I think of Jesus Christ and his expression of Love on the Cross. He bled and died and is now seated with God in Heavenly places. He has a Crown and he is to be reverenced and honored. His compassion and love for mankind makes him one of the greatest humanitarians in this world. As we live and grow, life does come full circle, meaning that things begin to be clear unto us. Life and situations that we have gone through has taught us many lessons that we can share with others. God is not a man that lies, what He says for our lives will come to pass. All of the things that He has promised to us His people will come into fruition, we must hold on, and have Faith. I thank God for keeping me in peace and helping me to be less anxious for what’s to come. God I come before you in your Son Jesus Christ Mighty name, thank

Blogs To Come please stay tuned in :-)

  "Jesus Christ Shed Blood On Calvary Cross" 9 More blogs coming soon ! :-)  This Blog Is In Progress, will be continued and completed by Thursday Night , December 31st, 2020 .. New Years Day 2021 Soon , It's the count down!!!

The Power In Prayer, Power In His Mighty Name

Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom, I am going to get straight to the topic today which is the power in prayer done in Jesus Christ Mighty name. When we speak the name of Jesus, demons begin to tremble. God is on the throne, and we must pray in His son Jesus Christ’s name, because that is how our prayers reach Heaven. As a believer in Christ I have been taught to always reverence Jesus Christ the Son when I need help or when I am thankful. In doing so we evoke blessings onto ourselves that are given from Yah. I am honored to pray for you all everyday because God strengthens me to be a blessing. It is important to always remain humble and faithful to God because in doing so, we are worshiping and honoring the One who gave us Life. Prayer is our connection to God and we must connect at all times. When we cry, moan, speak in tongues, and utter words not understandable to the human mind, God understands and hears them as our prayers to Him.  I am going to pray more and worry less, that

Mustard Seed Faith

Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,           Hello, I hope that you all are having a great day! My day has been great because I was able to buy my nephew two toy trucks for his birthday! I also got a card for my cousin’s 28th birthday, and a card for my young nephew who just turned 3!! They are December babies with a birthday at the end of the month, I love it! I just woke up 2 hours ago and now I am back at the blogs writing to you all! Today I want to discuss the power of the Mustard Seed. God asks us to have the faith of a mustard seed. These seeds are tiny, and God says faith that small is all we need to go forward. He also says, without faith we cannot please Him. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. I am paraphrasing from the bible, and it is saying that we are believing God for what we don’t understand, we are honoring Him by believing without seeing what will happen first. Reaping and sowing is always in progress, and God wants us to

2021 Goals Going Forward

Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,            Hi everyone, I hope that you are having a great CHRISTmas :-) It is now 11:19 pm here in Boston and the wind is picking up. I am here today to discuss some of my goals for 2021. These are some of the things that God has placed on my heart to do. I hope that my plans inspire you on your journey in 2021 going forward. God has called me to Marriage and Ministry (M&M’s). I am speaking that into existence because I desire to be married. I have many friends and family that have spouses, and I hope to one day take that leap into the calling of Wife. Please pray for me as I am strengthened in the Lord.           This year of 2020 I have been doing a lot of sowing seeds into the lives of many. Many nights I have gone to sleep in tears because of what my tasks have been. I have planted seed, many will water and Yahweh will bring the increase. Sowing and reaping is something that God has set in place for all of His children. We must believe that

Walking Into The Promises Of God

  Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, Hi everyone! It is 2:55 am and it is Christmas DAY!!!! Merry Christmas 2020 everyone!! I am home on my laptop writing to all of you, and I am enjoying my morning. I want to get a cup of coffee from Dunkins’ but it’s too early. Today I want to talk about walking into the promises of God. We have all of the tools and knowledge to go forward into what God has for us. We have everything we need, let's walk it out. When I think about where I am at in life and all that God has shown me and blessed me with, my Soul Cries Thank You Jesus!! I don’t take for granted anything that God has done for me, the people in my life, the places I’ve been and the things that I own. I am highly favored, and so are you! I am taking the time to reflect and honor God for His goodness and His mercies endureth forever.  I seek God early in the morning and He answers me in many different ways. Everything we have need of God provides, and everything we want is there! We j

God Will Feed Us

  Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, Today I want to talk about God feeding us. No I do not mean natural food, although he feeds us that too :-) I am speaking of things that can’t be felt, spiritual foods. He gives us His word which is like Living Water. He makes us the salt of the earth, and He gives us the Fruits of the Spirit. God is our source, He feeds us what we need to survive. Just as He gave the Isrealites manna from on High, He does the same with His children, for He reigns on Us All. I am personally thankful that God feeds me, because when I am depleted and empty, He is like a never ending well that never runs dry for me. I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit and our King Jesus Christ who sits on the throne and prays for us Daily.  Father God I come before you in Your Son Jesus Christ mighty name thanking you for feeding us your people. I thank you for giving us spiritual manna on high like you did back in Egypt for the Isrealites. Thank you for crowning us with glory an

Self Worth

  Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,  I am up at 12:31 am Christmas Eve 2020 to speak about Self Worth. It is something that has been pressed on my spirit for months now. I believe that self worth is knowing who you are in God. He helps us to believe in ourselves and to have dreams, hopes and goals. God is the one that gives us self worth to know that we are somebody. I did a Youtube video on “My Experience With Mental Illness Part 1” and “Part 2”. I talk about how the world beats us down. Yes there are some really positive people and so much good out here, but much pain exists. I recall a scripture in the Bible that states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens Me.” This is the God confidence that we need in our lives to succeed. We can achieve all that we want, knowing that God is on our side no matter what. Also, He places people and places in our lives to help us to be all that we can be, God sets our life up, He plans our life. Having self worth doesn’t make us be

Lets Connect

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog!! Please watch the video above from my Youtube Channel: Shalea Berryhill          I am thinking of new ways to connect with all of you! I have decided to feature churches, businesses, entrepreneurs, and all types of people, here on blogger and on my Youtube channel. In this video I am speaking about Stanley Porter (Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach) Bishop Alvin and Pastor Shirley Spinkston (Founders of Harvestime Church of New England-Selah-THEA (Theological Higher Education Academy) & Selah Magazine) If you would like me to share something for you on social media please reach out to me at: In the subject line put "Blogger Response" so that I can find your email quick. Be blessed, and be well!!

Harvestime Church Of New England - Ministry

Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom, Today I want to introduce you to Bishop Alvin and Pastor Shirley Spinkston of Harvestime Church Of New England. This church has been around for 13 years strong and will continue on through the power of the Holy Ghost. I am excited to introduce you to them because they have recently started Selah-THEA Theological Higher Education Academy. This school has been in existence for about 2 years now, and will help to further YOU in ministry. Selah-THEA will help to Certify and License you in the ministry that God has called you to under the leadership of Bishop and Pastor Spinkston. Harvestime Church Of New England also has Selah-Magazine, which has been in existence for about 5 years. This magazine is very informational and will help you to stay connected with what is going on in the world today!          Harvestime Church Of New England is a great ministry because they are for the people and are hands on in helping people to reach there God given mandat

Stanley Porter: Nutrition & Fitness

Image Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,  Today I want to introduce you to Stanely Porter. He is a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach here in Massachusetts. I met him when I was in high school back in 2000-2004, he was my History Teacher. I learned so much in his class and will never forget the many lessons that were taught. Years later I learned that he was a personal trainer!!! I said wow, I can use the help. So about 4 years ago in 2016 I reached out to Mr. Porter and asked him for help to lose weight. He said he could help me and I began workout sessions with him right away.  Stanley Porter has worked as a Minister, Musician and School Teacher, he is still motivating and inspiring people as a Personal Trainer today. Please read his books: The Weight Is Over and Every Song Has a Story . I have read “The Weight Is Over” by Nikquisa Nunn & Stanley Porter and it is awesome! I will not give it away, go get the book on asap!!  All I can


  Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, Hello, I hope that you all are having a great day! I am doing well, glad to be in the land of the living. Happy in Jesus. Today I want to talk about friendships and how important they are to me. I am now 33 years old and that means that I have a good amount of experience with relationships. Growing up I have always had friends in school or in the neighborhood where we lived. I really enjoyed these friendships and I learned so much from them. The friendships that I had as a young child helped to shape me as a person into who I am today. As a young child I loved to read and write. I also aspired to become a teacher with my own classroom. Most of my time, as a child, I spent at home in my room teaching my very own “class”. This consisted of an array of teddy bears and dolls all lined up on my bed. My parents bought my siblings and I a desk, so my desk was also for the “class”. I wrote on pieces of paper on the walls and that was my chalkboard. I believe

The Times

  Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog, This morning I want to discuss the importance of time. How does it affect us, and how can we make the most of it. The Bible says that God is not in Time He is in eternity. As human beings we are restricted by Time and we are only allotted a few hours in a day and night. God, He is all knowing and infinite, so Time has no boundaries with Him. The Times that we are living in are very crucial because the Kingdom of God is at hand. As a Christian and believer in Christ Jesus, we know that we are all appointed a time to be born and a time to die. That is why its crucial that we maximize and make the most of the time God has given us. 24 hours in a day to make plans, work, accomplish goals, relax, vacation, and do so much more. I am personally trying to work on how I manage my Time each day. Can you think back to a time when you made the most of your day? Can you also think back to a time where you got absolutely nothing done that day? If you compare an

Video: Put On The Whole Armor Of God

Welcome to Words Of Wisdom Blog, Please Listen To My YouTube video on the Whole Armor Of God. I hope that it inspires you. I just published a blog on putting on the Whole Armor of God, so you can read that as well. Bless you tremendously and always remember, you are equip for the battle.

Put On The Whole Armor Of God

  Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,  Today I am going to discuss putting on the Full Armor Of God. Some of you are familiar with what that means. Many people may not understand. Here is a scripture from The Holy Bible that will break down the Full Armor Of God and what it means: Ephesians 6:10-18 King James Version:  10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Abov

Yah Will Give You Strength

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom,  Strength is very important to have in this life. Possessing strength will get you far in life and will help you to encourage others. When you operate under the power of strength you are an example for people who are around you. Now having strength does not mean that you are always right, or do everything perfectly. Most of the time, strength comes forth during our most vulnerable times. The Bible says, during our weakness He (God) is made strong. It is in our weakness where we fight and find the strength to come out of our dark place. Strength is being able to see someone hurting, and even if you are going through your own problems, you can still lend a helping hand to someone else. Strength is also present when you feel so low, but you remain smiling and get up, no matter how hard or small the steps, and you press on anyways. Strength is also when you want to do something so bad, but you know it would hurt someone or yourself, and you restrain. Strength