Expression Of Love Jesus Nailed On The Cross Resin Wall Crucifix, 14 Inch: Home &  Kitchen

Welcome to my blog Her Words Of Wisdom:

Today I want to talk about Jesus Christ and what the cross represents. Jesus Christ was brutally tormented and tortured when he did nothing wrong. He walked this earth blameless and did things the way God His Father told Him to do. He did not hurt anyone He healed people, made people to see and walk, and more miracles that are all in the bible. I relate this to the Hierarchy of life because we all have our individual Cross to carry. Many people don't have the physical cross like Jesus carried, but our Cross is spiritual. Many demonic evil forces try to kill us, steal our joy, torment us and take away the purpose and life that God has for us.

As believers in Christ we have work to do. We must walk by faith and live with the expectancy of the return of Jesus Christ. We must hold eachother up and help when we see that something is wrong. The bible says watch and pray in these times. There is order in the land, and God shows us this through the Cross. He shows us that we too will go through problems and great difficulties, but like Him we will overcome. Christ was killed, and we all will die a natural death. Oh Glory to God, we will live again with God in spirit with all of the angels and heaven! We are joint heirs with Christ and we will live eternity with Him, with long life God will satisfy us!

When Jesus Christ died He gave up the ghost, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our guide and leads us in this life. He is a person and He helps us to be comforted in knowing that God will never leave us nor forsake us. Nowhere in this world, Heaven, Earth or Hell is turned from God. He sees ALL that He has created. Knowing this we must continue to seek Him earnestly in prayer and reading our Word which is the Holy Bible. Hierarchy represents order. This order is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; the Trinity. We also have angels and all of heaven, earth and hell. We ought to live a life pleasing to God so that we may obtain and reach Heaven in the after life after earthly death. We all want our spirits to ascend to Heaven!

In the land of the USA there are Presidents, Vice Presidents, Kings, Queens, Lawyers, Doctors, Pastors, Missionaries, Workers of all types, Adults, Children and so many different titles and roles. We all must follow the rules and the laws, because God commands all of creation to do this. My prayer is that all of you reading this blog continue to carry your cross. Many believers in God are being tormented and persecuted by people that practice evil and do wicked deeds. We are to watch and pray, hold eachother up and look to the cross. For no one knows the day nor the hour of God’s return, so we must live our lives following God. 

Thank you for reading this blog. May God richly bless you. I pray that you continue to have faith, even in your time of testing and trials. When life is good and when life gets tough, remember we have the Holy Spirit which represents God the Son, so we are Never alone. Take care and fear not. Fear not but fight every attacknright. This means stay in constant prayer with the Father God and you will remain in peace. Have no fear there is order in the Land, you always have God and we all have work to do. 


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