The Power Of Love

 A Ray of Light Photograph by Martin Newman

Welcome to Her Words Of Wisdom blog,

I want to start off by saying, welcome and thank you for tuning into me on YouTube and on some of my social media sites. It is an honor to come before YOU everyday with a fresh word to encourage and share what I am learning and experiencing in life. God has given me a gift to reach people and share Him with this world. It is not always easy, but God protects, leads, and orders not only my steps, but yours as well. So I want to bless you and honor you with Love, and share my thoughts with ALL of you. Enjoy this blog on The Power Of Love.

When I think of Love I think of a ray of light. It is peaceful and subtle yet powerful. A ray of light, as depicted in the picture above, is strong and beautiful but gentle and helpful. It is helpful because it offers peace of mind that everything will be okay, it is comfort. Just as the ray of light brings about peace, Love does also. Love breaks down barriers and opens doors, and this is done with a gentleness that is still Strong. We as people can be meek but still possess strength. The bible says to be strong and of good courage. The bible also says be gentle as a dove. 

Love is powerful because it helps us to forgive and pray for people. Love makes us do right, when we are tempted to do wrong. When we Love each other the way God has designed, we are patient, kind, long suffering and more. We are not pushovers or made to be doormats, but we are understanding and give light. I want to share light with the world. The bible says that Jesus is the light of the world. He embodies love and compassion. The cross shows the strength of Love and all that it can do. Love can free the world and save us from dying in sin. Love can make wayward children come home. Love can cause people to care for each other and not break each other. Love helps us to respect each other and be kind. 

God I am coming before you on behalf of the people that I know in this life. I pray that you use me in a unique way to win souls for the Kingdom of God. Lord help us to be patient and show love. There is power in Love because God you are Love, and Love is One of your names. Father clothe us in compassion and renew in us a right spirit and sound mind. Help us to not seek after things or people, but to hunger and thirst for You and righteousness. Father God help us to want to do unto others as we want done to us. Father God you say Love you with all our heart, minds and soul, and also love thy neighbor (those around us) as we love ourselves. God help us because we all fall. Help us! Help us to Live for you and turn from evil ways. Help your people to get saved, because there is an afterlife. God is coming back soon, we will face our maker and have to give account for all we do. Father, I ask you to touch the hearts of us your people. Melt our hearts from hardened to flesh, and have us see You better and understand how to Love. 

        Have a great day and pray unto God for strength this day. I am giving you an assignment, is that okay? I ask you to pray for someone today and tell at least one person that you love them each day. You can feel the  Love in your spirit and express it by doing something or saying something to someone. But I ask you to show Love in your own unique way everyday. I want to make this a habit in my life. God help me, your assignment is also my assignment too! I am up for the task. Take Care and may God richly bless you!


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