Go Forward With God On Your Side

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Hello Everyone

We are tried and tested on every hand, but we must Go Forward with God on our side. Oftentimes we can feel alone and uncertain about life. We don’t understand where God is trying to take us, or what He is trying to do in and through us. We must lean and depend on God even in uncertainty, because He is always up to something for our Good. The bible says that ALL things work together for the Good for those that are called according to His purpose. We know that in due time we shall reap all that we have sewn in this life. We must go forward even in our darkest most uncertain hours in prayer and reading God’s word as a light and compass unto our feet.

Please continue to pray and read God’s words to us. He truly loves and cares for all of His children. He loves us with an everlasting love and does not desire for any of His children to be lost and be in dismay. I ask you to Keep God On Your Side as you go through life. He truly helps us all. I go before the throne of grace right now on behalf of the people reading this blog, asking God to restore energy and joy into everyone. I pray that God brings understanding and clarity into our lives. We all have a purpose, God please allow us to continue the work that you have ordained for us. Give us the energy and power to continue all that we are doing unto you Heavenly Father. You have granted all of us gifts and talents and please help us to keep using them for the up building of the Kingdom of the Most High God.

Bless You all, and remember to Keep God On Your SIde. Selah.


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