The Waiting Season

 All About Your Body Clock

Hello Everyone:

Welcome to my Blog! I am here today to discuss the Waiting Season. This is a time when you have to depend totally on God. Every season in your life, you must depend on God, but there is something special about the waiting season. It is a time when God is watching our response to life. The ups, the downs and the uncertainty. It is in these uncertain times that we are made. Also, during the waiting season, God is definitely up to something Big! All things work together for the good for those that love the Lord (I am paraphrasing scripture). Waiting requires patience and it is a time when we must soul search and make our petitions known before the Lord, and watch out for His response. Our Time is arriving!

Waiting periods are often painful and the most frustrating times in our life. It is hard because we have so much that we desire to do and have. There is so much that we have been working and praying for, and it seems far from our grasp because we are waiting. When we are put on hold on the phone, some people hang up. When we have to wait in line at a store or drive thru, some people have patience and wait. When our children are not listening to us or obeying our instructions, sometimes we can become irritated and lose our patience. Oftentimes during the waiting season of our lives we have different series of events or situations where our patience is tried. It's a test! God wants to see how we will respond, He wants to see if we’ll WWJD (What Would Jesus Do). He wants to see if we will stop and let things flow, and let Him be in control. 

We go through waiting periods so that God can show us that He controls the times. We also must wait so that He can prepare and give us blessings that are stored in Heaven. It is time for us to stop and let God be in control. I am learning not to despise the waiting period, and to remember that All things work for the good. God is watching us, and He wants us to be patient and wait on Him because He knows what is going on. As believers we know that we are awaiting Jesus Christ’s return. We all have to be of good courage and cheer because God sits High on the throne. Just as nobody knows the day or hour Of Christ’s return, we do not know when our waiting period is up! Be of good courage and give your cares and worries over to the Lord. Be patient and let's Wait on God! Patience Is A Virtue :-)

God Bless You All and have a great day!


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