Harvestime Church Of New England - Ministry

Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom,

Today I want to introduce you to Bishop Alvin and Pastor Shirley Spinkston of Harvestime Church Of New England. This church has been around for 13 years strong and will continue on through the power of the Holy Ghost. I am excited to introduce you to them because they have recently started Selah-THEA Theological Higher Education Academy. This school has been in existence for about 2 years now, and will help to further YOU in ministry. Selah-THEA will help to Certify and License you in the ministry that God has called you to under the leadership of Bishop and Pastor Spinkston. Harvestime Church Of New England also has Selah-Magazine, which has been in existence for about 5 years. This magazine is very informational and will help you to stay connected with what is going on in the world today!

        Harvestime Church Of New England is a great ministry because they are for the people and are hands on in helping people to reach there God given mandate from Heaven. They have Beautiful Services, Revivals, Prayer, Theological Classes (Certificates & Licensing as mentioned), Bible Studies, And More! I encourage you to learn from a Bible Base church like Harvestime Church of New England, if you do already, great! Keep going forward in the Most High Yah, He is the way the truth and the Life!

I have personally known both Bishop and Pastor Spinkston for almost 10 years now, and I can say that they are great people, very compassionate and helpful. I pray that you will reach out to them on Facebook Live: Bishop Alvin Spinkston. They hold Church Services in Brockton, MA. If you want to get further educated in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and pursue His purpose and will for your life, please connect with them. 

Have a great day and may God RICHLY BLESS You!! 



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