God Will Feed Us

 BEARING THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT (Part 1) - Margaret Street Church of Christ

Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom,

Today I want to talk about God feeding us. No I do not mean natural food, although he feeds us that too :-) I am speaking of things that can’t be felt, spiritual foods. He gives us His word which is like Living Water. He makes us the salt of the earth, and He gives us the Fruits of the Spirit. God is our source, He feeds us what we need to survive. Just as He gave the Isrealites manna from on High, He does the same with His children, for He reigns on Us All. I am personally thankful that God feeds me, because when I am depleted and empty, He is like a never ending well that never runs dry for me. I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit and our King Jesus Christ who sits on the throne and prays for us Daily. 

Father God I come before you in Your Son Jesus Christ mighty name thanking you for feeding us your people. I thank you for giving us spiritual manna on high like you did back in Egypt for the Isrealites. Thank you for crowning us with glory and honor. Thank you for our blessings, food, clothes, family, Love and of course your Son Jesus Christ who died that we will have eternal Life in Heaven. Thank you Jesus for guarding our minds even now, touch us, your people, lead and guide us in the way that we should go. You said in your word that you would never leave us or forsake us, and we are depending on you Father God. Thank you Jesus for saving us and calling us forward to do your will. You say if we keep our minds stayed on you, You will keep us in perfect peace, peace that surpasses all understanding. I say thank you, Feed us! Devotionals, bible studies, prayer, praise & worship, services, fresh words, family, friends, Direct Words From You God, You feed us in so many ways its incredible. Please continue to Feed Us Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen & Amen.

Have a great day and I love you all!! :-) Stay warm and stay blessed, Merry Christmas Eve my fellow bloggers and newcomers :-) 

With Lots Of Love, 



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