Birthing Greatness

 The Greatness of God and Goodness of His Purpose

Hi Everyone:

Welcome to my blog Her Words of Wisdom. I want to take the time out today to discuss birthing out greatness. We all know about the beauty of natural birth. A birth when a woman and a man bring a beautiful baby into this world. That is a precious miracle that God has given to all of Earth and Heaven! I also want to talk about Birthing in the spiritual sense. We all have talents and gifts that we need to cultivate. We all have Babies. These are fruits of our labour and they are given to us from the Most High Yah! I am not a mother of natural children yet, maybe one day if that is in God’s plan for my life. I hope to one day be able to experience bringing a child into this world with my mate. I also plan to get married one day, God knows all and will prevail in my life. 

Birth is very important and is a Miracle from up above. We can birth visions, dreams, ideas, businesses, children and more! A Birth is a creation and fruit, it is a time where prevailing and travailing takes place. During a pregnancy a mother carries for 9 months. In that final month she gives Birth to a healthy child. This is the case with some pregnancies. During the carrying season the mother must feed the baby nutrients and all it needs to grow strong. Just as carrying season for a mother, when we have dreams and ideas we must feed ourselves with positivity and good knowledge. We must work hard at growing our baby. When our baby or idea, dream and vision is birthed, we must not stop there. We must take care of the baby until it has reached maturity. We have to watch what God gave to us **fly** We have to make sure to be good stewards of all that God has placed into our hands, taking careful consideration of what we do with all that God has entrusted in us. That means that we need to pray and read God’s word, for He truly is Our compass. I have to get back in the habit of reading more of what God is saying to me and to All of this world. What He says to us will determine our life's outcome.

    I hope my metaphor and analogy of a Natural Birth and Birthing Spiritual Babies makes sense. I tried to explain it in the best way that I know how. We have to make sure that we are giving Our best to the Most High Yah! We have to give Him our best, as He has given His best, Jesus Christ.

Be Safe & Be Well


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