Resilience: A Prayer for Strength, Deliverance, And Healing

 7 Best Holiday Destinations for Introverts: Most Peaceful Places for  Vacation - *last updated on November 10* -

Welcome Everyone!

Today I want to talk about Resilience in my blog, is that alright? :-) I am going through a time in my life where I need strength to remain resilient. Oftentimes we go through hardship and we feel that we can’t bounce back from the pain in our lives. Much comes against our peace of mind and tries to cause affliction for us. The bible says that we will go through persecution for His name sake. We will endure bad treatment and hurt because we are trying to live a good life in the presence of Jehovah God. That is why we need God to intercede and step in on our behalf. The bible says that Jesus Christ is in heaven praying for us non stop. Today I ask Jesus Christ to step in on my behalf and yours as well! I ask that he delivers us from the hands of our enemies, for they are many. I also ask that God heals every place that is damaged or hurting within US, in Jesus Christ mighty name.


Being strong in the midst of a storm is not easy, it takes much prayer and also fasting. When tested and afflicted we must ask God to help us, as well as the people that pray to Jehovah God. If you need prayer please reach out to me. I will intercede for you. I can’t take away pain, because that is why we have God, he does that, but I can pray that you continue to remain strong when you go through pain. We can all pray for each other that we may continue with Jesus Christ in these last days. Father I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ to come against the plans of wickedness against the person reading this blog. Every plot and scheme that the devil has setup to hinder and disrupt their destiny, I pray that the assignment is cancelled. Free of debt, healthy relationships, abundance & wealth, and most importantly a close walk with you Oh Lord. I pray that prayer for you and myself in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ.

God please cause for us your people to prosper in mind, body and soul. Help us not to let what the enemy sets up to hurt and hinder us take our joy. This joy that we have, the world did not give, and cannot take it away. Be bless because God is still on the throne. Amen and have a beautiful day. :-) 


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