Lets Get Ready!!!! New Year's Eve 2020 -> 2021

We've got to be optimistic': UK readers on their New Year's Eve plans |  Coronavirus | The Guardian

Welcome To My Blog Words Of Wisdom, 

Today is New Year’s Eve!!! I am so excited and I hope that you are as well. We are embarking upon 2021 and we have so much to be thankful for, we have health, life and strength. During this Covid-19 season we have all learned so much:

  • Work hard and save money

  • Never take anything for granted, life can be taken from you anytime

  • Love hard and care for your loved ones

  • Be Sanitary

  • And so many life lessons I cannot list them all

I am very happy to come before you all with my blog. I thank God that I have the ability to do all that I am doing. It is God that gives us the strength and the ability to Live. I do videos often on my Youtube channel: Shalea Berryhill. It is there that I also am able to encourage and inspire people to do their very best and live a great life! I often pray for people here in my blog and also on my Youtube channel, asking God to cover Us in Jesus Christ blood. I thank you all for supporting me, as I support you. 

Going into the New Year I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for my relationship with God. I am also thankful for how He has gifted me to be a blessing to people. Most importantly I am thankful for Life. I am thankful that God has created me, unique and for His glory! Thank you Jesus, I am used by the Most High Yah. What I am believing God for 2021 and going forward; a renewed strength to continue His work, to enjoy my Family & Friends, to continue School and Working, God's grace and mercy while working on my Blog Words Of Wisdom & Youtube Channel: Shalea Berryhill, Of course a closer walk with God, Those are just a few of my desires. I hope that all of you are making lists and asking God for help in this New Year. 

As I bring this blog to a close, I want to thank Jesus Christ for being the ultimate sacrifice for us. What He did for us opened the gateway for us to be able to dream BIG! Without Jesus Christ we would not have Life. So I am thanking God for Everything going into the New Year, and I am asking Him to bless me and keep me safe, I also ask those blessings over you all too. I hope that you all bring in this New Year in the best way!!!! I am home practicing social distancing, but I am with family and friends in spirit. If you are participating in watch night service, watching the ball drop, sitting home watching television or listening to music, Have FUN!! Be happy in Jesus Christ knowing that He is good!!  

Today is December 31st of 2020 (9:14pm) - 3 More Hours 'Till New Year's Day January 1st of 2021!!!!

Be Blessed & Stay Warm,

Shalea Berryhill



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