Mindset Of Victory

lifting hands – The Heart Man


I am here to talk about having a Mindset Of Victory. Let's dissect that phrase, starting with the word Mindset. When we think of mindset it usually pertains to a particular way of thinking. Patterns, beliefs and being “set” in your ways. Next keyword is Victory. When we think of victory we usually see someone winning or think of someone working hard to achieve a goal. Victory is sweet when you have worked hard at achieving it. Now I am going to put the phrase back together, Mindset Of Victory! As believers in God we know that we must truly walk by faith and not sight. We also know that so a man thinketh so is he. To fully live out the life that God has for us, we must have a Mindset Of Victory.

Lets delve into what a mindset of victory really is. It is a way of thinking that transcends all defeat that one may be facing. It is a mindset that No matter what comes my way, I am determined to stay with Jesus Christ. This way of living will lead to a victorious life where one can do and achieve all that God has for them. Come what may, we will go all the way!! All the way in our finances, careers, education and Everything that we set out to do. The phrase “go all the way” is reaching the heights that God has for us in a particular area of our lives. I want to go all the way with God, because He is the one that causes us to prosper in life! “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”-Holy Bible 3 John 2.

I believe that the only true way to prosper is by reading God’s word. We must seek God in all that we do. We must find what He has for us to do, and put our hands to work. Reading His words and praying to Him without ceasing are two key ways to turn God’s attention to us. How does all of this relate to a Mindset Of Victory, well God wants to renew our minds. He wants all of us to have a positive outlook on Life and achieving! I believe that God wants us to take action and set forth plans and blueprints. He wants us to be proactive and take the time to start working at the dreams and visions that He has placed on the inside of us! Getting help from family, friends and community members to make our dreams a reality. We must have a victorious mindset that we all can win!

Thank you for reading this blog, please comment and let me know what you think. Have a great day and keep a mindset of Victory! :-) 


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