The Process Of Healing

Empty 30 ml bottle for Bach flower mixtures.

Welcome to Words Of Wisdom, 

        I am going to talk a little about When The Healing Begins. As we know the physical body is very sensitive to the touch. It can easily be broken, scraped, burned and torn. When we think about the body and all of its many functions we see how its has the capacity to self heal. The body does need medicine, support for when it breaks (like a cast or crutches), surgery, and much more man made help. But the body is still able to function because it has been created to thrive and survive. As we all know, the body is born and also has a time to die, as we are all flesh. I want to talk about Healing. I am on a healing journey, trying to get through pain that I feel in this life. Sometimes it is hard to cope with life because of the many situations that we face on a daily basis. I always ask God in my spirit to free my mind and allow for me to have peace of mind. This is hard because there is so much in life that seeks to take away our peace. So that is where Healing must take place for many of us. I have decided to lean and depend on the power of the Most High Yah for help in dealing with life’s many issues. I know that you cannot avoid or shut out things or people from your “world”, but we can ask God to help us to make life better. For every spiritual and natural problem, God does provide a remedy.

        I need to heal, so this blog is very personal for me. Well all of my blogs are personal, but this one is where I am at emotionally and spiritually. I get tired and weak from all of the demands and pressures of life, wanting to sometimes give up, but knowing that Our creator has designed for me to push through. So I am here to encourage you all to Heal from past pains, hurts, confusion, and all types of ailments emotionally and physically. I have an issue with my left knee. I am in excruciating pain if I do not take my Ibuprofen. I make sure to have a bottle ready for use everyday, I usually only need 2 per day. In this life we all need to heal from something that has hurt us deeply. This is where the power of Jesus Christ comes in. His power makes us strong and heals us in places we didn’t even know we were hurting in. His Holy Spirit leads and guides us to all truths and brings about a peace that surpasses all understanding. I am a living witness of the power of Jesus Christ, and I will die professing His name. I have been diagnosed with a mental illness and have been through a lot in my mind. Meaning that I haven’t always thought clearly and processed my thoughts correctly. This started in my early 20s when I use to run and feel paranoid in just about any situation, always looking over my back. I was hospitalized for my illness.

        Today I can say that I have come a long ways from where I use to be in my mental capabilities. I am alot stronger, but I know that God can make me even better, so I lean and depend on Yah. I am thankful for my many blessings and I do not take them for granted, and I do not forget that it is God who gave them to me. I am going to end this blog with a quote by Langston Hughes: 

“Mother To Son:

Well, son, I'll tell you:

Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

It's had tacks in it,

And splinters,

And boards torn up,

And places with no carpet on the floor --


But all the time

I'se been a-climbin' on,

And reachin' landin's,

And turnin' corners,

And sometimes goin' in the dark

Where there ain't been no light.

So boy, don't you turn back.

Don't you set down on the steps

'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.

Don't you fall now --

For I'se still goin', honey,

I'se still climbin',

And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.”

        My Close Friend told me about this quote, and I have also read it in one of my English classes. It talks about splinters and tacks that can break the skin. In the end of the poem the mother tells her son she is still climbin and tells him “don’t you turn back.” So I leave you with this, do not turn back as you face life’s difficulties. Instead, fight hard and give life all you have. The times are hard and life aint not crystal stair, but oneday you will look back and say “I didn’t give up.” Have a great day and don’t forget to pray. Life is not easy and we all need to heal from something. I implore you to continue this journey and journal your inward thoughts. You’ll be surprised what you learn about yourself that you didn’t realize was there. So be vigilant and try to be transparent with God, because He already knows us inward and outward. We have to be real and heal. As I mentioned before I have to heal and am going through so much, but I depend on God, and I hope you all do! 

Bless you and take care you Beautiful Creation :-) 

With Love,

Ms. Shalea Berryhill


  1. Shalea that is beautiful, I know God is healing you and I am so grateful. I Bless his name my spirit is lifted, because I was there as a mother, hopeless, not knowing what to do. Always telling you, you are not the mental illness. Everything that you want to become you can do it or be it. and the only answer was Jesus Christ. Truly you are leaning on him. May God continue to richly bless you. Continue ❣️🙏 your heal. Much Love ❤️😘 Mom

    1. Thank you mom! :-) :-) I am so happy you like it, thank you for continued support. I will never forget the many nights my family stayed up crying and praying for my healing. Be encouraged and keep God #1. Much love, your middle child, Shalea Berryhill

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey. Praying for God to keep his hands on you. Writing is very therapeutic. I always suggest writing especially when you feel like no one can or will listen. Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. He is always thee when we need him.

    1. Thank you, Jesus is always here for us. Thank you for reading my blog.

  3. Thank you Dee1 for reading my blog ☺️


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