
 Letter from the Editor: Here comes the sun

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom Blog,

Hello, I hope that you all are having a great day! I am doing well, glad to be in the land of the living. Happy in Jesus. Today I want to talk about friendships and how important they are to me. I am now 33 years old and that means that I have a good amount of experience with relationships. Growing up I have always had friends in school or in the neighborhood where we lived. I really enjoyed these friendships and I learned so much from them. The friendships that I had as a young child helped to shape me as a person into who I am today. As a young child I loved to read and write. I also aspired to become a teacher with my own classroom. Most of my time, as a child, I spent at home in my room teaching my very own “class”. This consisted of an array of teddy bears and dolls all lined up on my bed. My parents bought my siblings and I a desk, so my desk was also for the “class”. I wrote on pieces of paper on the walls and that was my chalkboard. I believe that what we are passionate about, says a lot about who we are as a person. This is why we have friends, because I believe that they can see this passion within us. People can see us for who we truly are, and that is what creates friendships. 

I am not an expert on relationships, and I really am still learning myself. Most people in this life are on a search for something. Friendships and relationships help people to see who they are and where they are going. These connections are needed for everybody. I want you to take the time out to think about the people in your life, family and friends. Think about all of the ways that you make these people happy and all that you learn from each other. What is it that you give or feed these relationships to make them healthy. How do they shape us? Over the years I have learned how to be a better “me”. This means that I have also learned to be better in my relationships, with friends and family. I haven’t always been the easiest to get along with, sometimes I hold grudges and say hurtful things, that is why I must work hard today. I must work hard on myself so that I can be better for my relationships with others. I have always been the type of person that loves to help others. This is a strong point, and I believe that this is the reason why God has given me friendships.

I have many friends now!! I consider my friends to be family!! I have additions to the family, my niece and nephews and all of the little ones that have been born. There have been so many people that I have met at work, school and in my neighborhood. I am very thankful for all of the people that I have in my life now, and everyone that I have known for years. These are the people that have shaped me and continue to make me into the person that I am today. Friendships are important, they are needed to help us grow and better understand ourselves. Okay, I am going to stop right here. I can go on and on about this topic, but I will not. It is a very serious but fun topic. I say serious because many people go through some hurtful situations and can be emotionally wounded by friendships. In the same way, people can also be healed by friendships and experience great happiness and fulfilling joy. Have a great day and keep your head held high, remembering each day that God is good! Blessings to you!!!!


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