The Objectives

The importance of lists in literature and life (essay)

Those voices that plague your life, shall be no more. You will carry out the plans and will of the Most High Yah (He is God) for your life. He has come to give you life and that more abundantly. Bless the Lord He is greatly to be praised! Selah.

Welcome to My Blog Words Of Wisdom,

On a daily basis we all have things that we are trying to accomplish. Well I want to remind you that God has plans for us and assignments as well. He wants us to obey His will for our lives. Personally, I make daily tasks for myself. I try to keep an ongoing list of all that I must do for the day and year. When we think of all God has done for us, we have to rejoice and thank Him. I believe that we should consult God before doing anything for the day. In the bible Jesus Christ rose early in the morning, and talked with His Father God. As He got instruction He did what he was told with gladness, knowing that all would be well. Just as Jesus Christ, we should thank God and carry out the plans He has for us.

The plans that I have for my life and the desires of my heart should line up with what God wants for me. Everyday I try to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. This can be tough because we all have our own thoughts and emotions, but following after God is the best choice you can ever make in this life. So I am saying to all of you, when you create Objectives for yourself, remember The Most High Yah, be faithful, diligent and focused. Thank you for reading this blog and I hope that you received insight that will make your life even better! I am happy to come before you all daily with a fresh Word from on high! Bless You All. Selah.


  1. Yes, it is a blessing to line up are life with God will for our life. God knows what is best for us. Getting up early in the morning to seek the Lord before we get started. This is putting God first.


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