Moving Forward Step By Step

 New Cruise Ships To Look Forward To In 2021 - Cruise Bulletin

Welcome to my Words Of Wisdom Blog, 

Today I want to talk about moving forward step by step. When I think about moving forward a marathon comes to mind. Moving steady and consistent, not moving too fast and getting burnt out. When you do a marathon you know that you have a long distance ahead of you, so you pace your steps. Life is a lot like that, pacing ourselves so that we can reach our destination. The bible says to be anxious for nothing and to cast our cares on God. This teaches us that we should rest assured that God will get us to where we need to be in His timing. I am not saying that we should not have concerns about where we are heading, but we must stay on track and do the good we know to do. 

Heading into 2021 I am going to try and be the best me I can be. Forever changing, growing, learning, and becoming wiser, falling down but getting up with God's help. I ask God to make me stronger and help me be a blessing to the people I know personally and everyone that is around me. I am asking you God to help all of us to think about each other, and not just ourselves. I know that we all need work in doing this, so I ask you God to work on us all. Father God I pray that you open opportunities and doors that we did not see before. Father I pray that you give us a walking peace, shielding us from the attacks of our enemies. The bible says that the weapons will form, but they will not prosper. I ask you God to come into our homes and get involved in all of our daily activities. I pray that you touch the hearts of those around us, that they may bless us. Father you said love our enemies and to do good unto those who curse us. You also tell us to give honor where it is due. Father God I pray that you give us the strength and ability to do the good that we know to do, and that we may be ordered by You. Father God I ask you to guard and protect our minds, and to cover us in your Son Jesus Christ precious blood. I ask all of these blessings in your Son Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. 

Thank you for reading this blog, I pray that it has inspired you. My hopes are that you move forward in 2021 with your head held high and that you remember what God has promised all of us. With long life He promised to satisfy us. Give your cares and worries to the Master, and He will make sure that you get where you need to be.

Have a great day, 

Shalea Berryhill 


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