Spirit Living

 Who determined the speed of light? - HISTORY

Welcome everyone:

Today I am talking about Spirit Living. Walking in the way of the Lord and leaning and depending on Jesus Christ. There are many spirits in this world, and we must decide what we take in as truth. So a man or woman thinketh, that is who they are. Meaning that dwelling on something can quickly determine the kind of person you will be. I want to be like Jesus Christ, living and loving All people. He walked in the spirit and lived a life according to His Father, God. He embodies Spirit Living. I do not understand everything about living by the spirit, but I do know there is positive energy and negative energy. There are vibrations and waves all around us, and we must choose what we will listen to and experience. Although we can choose our path, with the help of God, we know that some things are out of our control. What we cannot control, we let God take over. We do what we can do.

Living by the Spirit is not a spooky type of life. It is a life where you let the Holy Spirit be your guide. We live by faith and not by sight, dust we came, and dust we shall leave. We all will die an earthly death, but our Spirits will live on. That is why spirit living is so important. We must listen closely to the spirit and let God help us understand the things that we do not know. We must live by the Spirit. We all see in spirit with our spiritual eyes, and hear with our spiritual ears. Spirit living embodies moving by faith, and knowing that good exists, and we should reach for the good in life! With our spirits we should praise and live for our creator, in Love. Living a lifestyle of peace, the bible says that we should Love the Lord thy God with all our hearts, mind and soul, and to Love our brother's and sister's as we love ourselves. Harmony living doing unto others as we would have them do unto us.

    I hope that this blog got you thinking about living in faith by the Spirit. There is so much that I can say about spirit living, but I will stop right here. Please leave comments and your thoughts about living in spirit and understanding spirit. Have a great day! God Bless You, Selah.


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