Yah Will Give You Strength

How Weight Training Changes the Brain - The New York Times

Welcome To Words Of Wisdom, 

Strength is very important to have in this life. Possessing strength will get you far in life and will help you to encourage others. When you operate under the power of strength you are an example for people who are around you. Now having strength does not mean that you are always right, or do everything perfectly. Most of the time, strength comes forth during our most vulnerable times. The Bible says, during our weakness He (God) is made strong. It is in our weakness where we fight and find the strength to come out of our dark place. Strength is being able to see someone hurting, and even if you are going through your own problems, you can still lend a helping hand to someone else. Strength is also present when you feel so low, but you remain smiling and get up, no matter how hard or small the steps, and you press on anyways. Strength is also when you want to do something so bad, but you know it would hurt someone or yourself, and you restrain. Strength is having the power to forgive even when you have been broken.

I can go on about what strength means and different ways that we show it. I am honored to be a believer in Jesus Christ because He showed awesome strength. When He was persecuted, spit on, stomped and abused, He showed compassion and love still. Now, strength does not mean that you have to bow down in order to show it. It means that you are coming from a place of humility and you find the power deep within yourself to go forward. It is in the times when life seems the hardest and circumstances seem like they will never change, that you need strength the most. Now just as body builders have to weight lift and do repetition in the gym, or at home, we must practice our capabilities to be strong. It will not happen overnight, we have to keep at it and work hard to achieve the power we need. Over time you heal, grow, learn, live and enjoy life. These things take time. I for one am still working on being stronger. 

As I bring this blog to a close, I just want to say, be encouraged. Never give up on your dreams and always have hope that your future will be bright. Life and people are not perfect and you may feel like you're fighting an uphill battle. I hope that you will continue and press forward, knowing that all things will work for your good. If you keep your mind on what you love, life will be even more enjoyable. Please pray for me, as I do the same for you. Have a blessed day and keep the faith! :-) 


Shalea Berryhill


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