Family & The Power Of Unity

Free Photo | Closeup of diverse people holding hands

Welcome Everyone

Today is a special day because God is with us at all times and mercies are new every morning. Where I am at it is 8:48 am. Today I just went grocery shopping and I forgot to bring money to purchase shopping bags at the cash register. I had enough for my food, but no money for bags. Well I did what most people would do, I asked the person behind me in line if she had some money to spare for bags. She said sure! That is just like God to provide what we need at just the right time. I totally forgot that I would need money for grocery bags, and God gave the lady a heart and willingness to help me. I feel happy in my soul because I did not have to walk all the way home for money, I was able to get everything that I needed in one trip. I also have kind neighbors who offer me food on holidays and groceries that are donated to them. They show compassion and kindness. I also have neighbors and friends that have helped my family with business endeavors too. It is the kindness of people that make life worth living. It is the love that we share, that sustains us, and makes this world a safe place to live in.

There is power in unity. I do not know if the lady that helped me get my bags is a believer in God or if she may even be a family member that I have never met. I do know that God can use anyone to get his work done in this world. This morning I want to specifically talk about Family and the power of Unity. We can get so much done if we work together and try to understand eachother’s point of view. We are all unique individuals that make a collective body. There are no little I’s or big U’s. We are all equal and Everyone is vital and important. Respect is earned, yes, but Love should be given freely. They say a family that pray’s together stay’s together. Growing up and still to this day, my family comes together to pray, this has helped to strengthen our bonds. We also help eachother to get goals accomplished. It is not always easy to come together because we don’t always get along. But we know that loving eachother and helping where we can is worth it. Loving eachother as God loves us is a mandate and is important for us to do. My prayer is that God will help us to be more unified as a body, showing compassion and upbuilding eachother.

Just as the woman in the line that gave me money, and my neighbors that help with groceries and business, I feel that we should do for each other without hesitation. In some cases, yes, we should ask questions and be cautious when making decisions. But when it comes to the basic needs of our loved ones, we should always be there to help and support eachother. As I always say, I have alot of good advice and great things to say, but I have to also live by what I declare to be true. I come before God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ asking for help for all of us to be there for eachother. I ask God to help us to support one another and to show more compassion. My hopes are that I can inspire many people with my blogs. I also hope that God does a work in me so that I can be more compassionate and help where its needed. Take care and be well. Make sure to remember to keep your hands washed, wear your mask and stay 6 feet apart. We must follow proper procedure so that we can beat Covid-19 and live safe during this Pandemic. God Bless You All. Till next time, much love!


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