2021 Goals Going Forward

Welcome to my blog Words Of Wisdom, 

        Hi everyone, I hope that you are having a great CHRISTmas :-) It is now 11:19 pm here in Boston and the wind is picking up. I am here today to discuss some of my goals for 2021. These are some of the things that God has placed on my heart to do. I hope that my plans inspire you on your journey in 2021 going forward. God has called me to Marriage and Ministry (M&M’s). I am speaking that into existence because I desire to be married. I have many friends and family that have spouses, and I hope to one day take that leap into the calling of Wife. Please pray for me as I am strengthened in the Lord.

        This year of 2020 I have been doing a lot of sowing seeds into the lives of many. Many nights I have gone to sleep in tears because of what my tasks have been. I have planted seed, many will water and Yahweh will bring the increase. Sowing and reaping is something that God has set in place for all of His children. We must believe that what we do, God will bring a harvest. My Blog and Youtube channel is going to be dedicated to Prayer. We have our plans, but God has the final say. To all of you my family, friends, and newcomers, I welcome you with open arms. I cover you with prayer and I ask that God’s ministering angels speak to you even right now. I pray for healing and restoration to occur, and for God to be made BIG in our lives. Give us peace that surpasses all understanding. Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, for truly, God is the center of our joy. Father I intercede for these Your people and stand before you for their souls. I pray for soul salvation in Jesus Christ Holy name.

Bless you all and keep the faith, God is on the Throne.

Stay Warm, 



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